Piggyback Ride

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Note: Based off of fanart by oogoobooga on Tumblr. Please go check them out! And I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Pairing: DaithideVanoss

Nogla was on his way home from a relaxing day at the park when he saw a familiar face leaning against a tree, seemingly asleep. He walked over to where Evan sat, and sure enough, he was asleep. "Evan," Nogla called. Evan stirred and opened his eyes, looking at Nogla.


"Evan, I think you need to go home. You can't sleep in a park." Evan yawned as his eyes started to close again. Nogla sighed and shook Evan a bit. "Evan, come on. I'll take you home, but ya gotta be awake," Nogla said, pulling Evan up. Evan stumbled and yawned, grabbing Nogla's hand. Nogla felt his face heat up a little, but he ignored it. "Alright, now come on-"

"Can I have a piggyback ride?"

Nogla looked at Evan. "What?"

"I wanna piggyback ride," Evan mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"I don't think you'll be awake enough for you to hang on, Evan."

"Please?" Nogla sighed and finally agreed to give Evan a piggyback ride home. Evan gave him a sleepy smile that nearly made Nogla's heart melt. Evan got on Nogla's back and off they went.

Evan dozed off halfway there, and Nogla couldn't put him down. "You're lucky I care, owl," Nogla mumbled. Evan just gave a hum of approval as he rested his head on top of Nogla's.

Nogla realized that he had gone the way to his house instead of Evan's once they got there, and he let out an annoyed groan. "You've got to be kidding me!" Nogla grumbled.

"Hmm?" Evan asked, waking from his small nap.

"Evan, are you okay with being at my house for the night?" Evan hummed a yes, and Nogla took Evan inside. "Evan, you're gonna have to come off my back now," Nogla said. Evan groaned before sliding down. He yawned and grabbed Nogla's arm, leaning against him.

Nogla felt his face heat up again at the action. Nogla pulled Evan to the couch and set him down. "Okay, I'm gonna get a blanket and pillow for you-" Nogla was cut off by Evan pulling him down onto the couch.

"Stay, you're comfy," Evan mumbled before snuggling up next to Nogla. Nogla's face was completely red now, and he tried to move, but everytime he did, Evan would pull him back down.

So he was stuck as Evan's teddy bear.

Nogla sighed and gave up on trying to move. Well, at least Evan is comfortable, he thought. Evan smiled in his sleep and let out a happy sigh. Nogla started to smile a little too as he got comfortable himself.

They stayed like that for the rest of the night.

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