Twin Size Mattress

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Note: Based off of Twin Size Mattress by The Front Bottoms. Also, prepare for feels. I hope you enjoy this one-shot though!

Pairing: H2OVanoss

The group of boys walked up to Jonathan with evil grins on their faces. "Hey, faggot," they greeted. Jonathan looked up at them and smiled.

"Oh, hey, fellas. Miss me already?" The boys laughed before the one in front lifted Jonathan by the front of his shirt.

"Very funny, faggot," he hissed.

"You know, you really got to get different nicknames for people," Jonathan grinned. The boy growled and dragged him off into the nearby alleyway, his friends following behind.

He threw Jonathan onto the ground and circled around him like a vulture, waiting for Jonathan to get up.

When Jonathan did, the boy punched him in the face. Jonathan stumbled back, hitting the wall. He still had a smile on his face, though. "Ooh, nice hit. You'd make a good boxer," Jonathan joked.

The boy snarled and hit him again.

And again.

And again.

Jonathan's face was now bloody as all hell. The boy threw him on the ground and started to kick him. The other boys started doing the same. Some kicked him in the back, some in the face, and some in the stomach.

They only stopped when Jonathan let out his famous, delirious laugh that scared everybody. The boys stopped their tormenting and started staring at Jonathan. "Do you really think you can hurt me even more than I already am? Cute."

The first boy kicked Jonathan one more time before he left with his friends following. Jonathan spit out blood and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. He got up and nearly doubled over immediately. Jonathan regained his balance and held onto the wall.

He made his way out of the alleyway and onto the street, where he tried to figure out where he was going. Jonathan knew a place that he could go to, but he had to figure out how to get there.

His vision was blurred, but he could still see the street sign. He recognized it, and immediately knew how to get to where he wanted to go. It was going to take a lot of walking, though.


Jonathan stumbled onto the front porch of the house, holding his stomach. He knocked at loud as he could without hurting himself. He heard the door click before it opened and a face popped out. Jonathan smiled at the boy in front of him, his teeth bloody. "Hey Evan," he said. The door flew open and Evan held a hand to his mouth.

"Oh my god Jonathan, what happened to you?" Jonathan was about to speak when he started coughing up blood. Evan pulled him inside and dragged him to the kitchen. He set him on the table and left to go get a medicine kit. Jonathan slowly took off his blue hoodie, wincing as he preformed the action.

Evan hurried back and stopped him from his actions and took the hoodie off himself. "My god, what did you do?" Evan whispered as he got bandages out.

"Oh, I didn't do anything. Some fuckers got to me and-" Jonathan started coughing again and Evan got some tissues. The only thing that came out was blood.

"Oh, god," Evan repeated. He got some peroxide and started to dab the blood on Jonathan's face. Jonathan winced at the feeling. "Sorry," Evan apologized.

Once Jonathan got cleaned up, Evan gave him an ice pack for his eye and wrapped the bandages around his stomach. "That should do it," Evan mumbled as he started to put everything away.

"Thanks, Ev," Jonathan said, grinning. Evan sighed and looked up at Jonathan.

"You can't keep getting into these things, Jonathan," he said. Jonathan frowned.

"I'm not getting into these things, these things keep finding me." Evan sighed again and walked away to put the medicine kit away. Jonathan hopped off the table and followed. He leaned against the doorway as Evan put the box away.

Evan turned to see Jonathan standing there, watching him. Evan walked right up to him and stopped. "Jonathan..." He whispered. Jonathan grabbed Evan's face lightly, caressing it.

"Evan, you don't need to worry about me. I can handle myself," Jonathan assured. Evan started to cry, and Jonathan wiped the tears away.

"B-but what if you get hurt, a-and you can't carry yourself here? What if you end up in the hospital? What if-" Evan was cut off by Jonathan kissing him. Evan's tears soon stopped as he kissed back, tasting the blood on Jonathan's lips.

Jonathan pulled back, looking into Evan's eyes. Evan just stared into Jonathan's blue eyes, his own starting to tear up again. "Evan, baby, please don't cry," Jonathan said.

"I'm sorry, it's just-"

Jonathan cut him off again with another kiss. "Don't be sorry," Jonathan said when he pulled back. "It's my fault for making you emotional. But hey, that's kind of a good thing, right?" Evan sniffled and started to smile a little.

Jonathan smiled back. "See, there's the Evan I know. Now come on, let's watch tv and get some food or something, I'm starving." Evan laughed at the comment and shook his head.

"You're impossible, you know that?" He asked as he wiped his eyes. Jonathan grinned.

"Yeah, I know. But that's the best part about me!" He exclaimed. Evan laughed again as he helped Jonathan to the couch. It was going to be a long night, but neither of them minded.

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