Murderers (#3)

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Tumblr imagine: Bonding over the fact that both our parents are/were murderers

Note: Thank you @SarahAngel3 for picking a number! You're helping a lot! I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Pairing: DeliToonz

Jonathan walked out of the prison and sighed. It had been forever since he saw his mother, and since it was her birthday, he decided to go visit her. His sister was against the idea, but he went anyways. He sat in the front, not really waiting on anything. He just wanted to think for a couple of minutes.

The to the prison door opened again and Jonathan looked up. Another man walked out and looked around. He caught Jonathan's eye and smiled at him. Jonathan smiled back and waved him over. He didn't know the guy, but hey, he seemed nice. The man walked over at sat down next to Jonathan. "Hey," he greeted.

"Hi," Jonathan replied.

"My name's Luke. Yours?"

"Jonathan." Luke nodded and looked out onto the street.

"Who were you visiting?" He asked.

"My mother. You?"

"I was visiting my dear old dad. What's your mom in here for?"

"Killing like, 20 guys. What about your dad?"

"My dad killed like, 20 kids."

"Dude, that's a little fucked up."

"And your mom killing 20 guys isn't?"

"It's not as fucked up as killing kids."

"True, true. But he never liked kids. Well, except for me. He adored me, and probably found me as a perfect child. It was other kids that he hated. It was weird; I was about the same age as half of those kids. It's a miracle that he even let me live. Then again, I was his own flesh and blood, so." Jonathan nodded.

"Yeah. My mom had a nasty divorce, and our father was a dick. So, she ended up trying getting revenge on ever man ever. She would go out to bars when me and my sister were asleep and get at least one guy to let her come home with him. Then she'd kill him there and get back home in time to wake me and my sister for school. It's a miracle how she did all of that."

"Damn, that's a busy woman. My dad only did it on the weekends. He'd get a kid to come home with him, and then he'd put them in our basement. He'd torture them before finally killing them, and then he'd bleach the entire room before disposing of the body. And not once did I wake up."

"That's... That's actually pretty smart. The thing with bleaching the entire basement? I hate to admit it, but it's smart. My mom always used gloves and anything that wouldn't get a print on it. The real challenge for her, though, was whenever the guy insisted that they go to her place. Then she'd have to be super quiet so we wouldn't wake up. But she always managed to do it. God, I still miss her. Even if she killed people, she still loved me and my sister to death. That's why I still visit her. My sister doesn't agree with my plan, but hey, it's the least I can do."

"Yeah. My dad loved me to death, too. It was really sad and confusing when I was doing homework and the police came knocking on my dad's door. Ended up with in foster care for a coupe of years before I was out on my own."

"Me and my sister were sleeping when we heard yelling, which woke us up. It was our mom, trying to get away from the cops so she could go to us. We went out into the living room to try and help her, because we didn't know why they were taking her, and one of the cops blocked our path. I managed to get passed and gave her a hug, crying because I was scared. She gave me one last kiss before they pulled her away. My aunt got custody of us until my sister was old enough."

Jonathan didn't realize it, but tears had started to form in his eyes. Luke pulled him into a hug as Jonathan sobbed into his shoulder.

When he pulled back, he sniffled and wiped his eyes. "S-sorry, that memory always gets me emotional..." He apologized. Luke gave him a warm smile.

"Don't apologize, I know what you mean." Jonathan smiled back at him, glad for his company.

"Hey, uh, thanks for talking with me," Jonathan said, awkwardly laughing. Luke laughed as well.

"Hey man, it's no problem. But we should talk sometime," he offered. Jonathan lit up at the idea.

"Yeah, we should!" He exclaimed. Luke laughed again and pulled out his phone. Jonathan did the same, and they exchanged numbers before they left, going their separate ways.

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