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Tumblr prompt: His wings were tipped with heavy frost

Pairing: H2OVanoss

Jonathan sighed as he rubbed his hands together, trying to keep warm. He was in the middle of nowhere in Canada, and this was supposed to be vacation. Jonathan was alone, cold, and tired. Why he decided to go to Canada in the middle of winter, he didn't know. But what he did know was that he was never doing that again.

Jonathan's car had broke down, hence why he was in the middle of nowhere. There seemed to be no one for miles, so he went out to see if there was some cabin in the woods or something. That was a bad choice, as he still saw nothing but trees and whiteness.

Jonathan eventually came to a clearing in the trees. It had a frozen lake in the middle, which Jonathan couldn't tell if it was stable or not. He walked up to it and slowly put his foot on it. It seemed stable enough, so he put the rest of his weight on it.

Jonathan stumbled a bit as it was ice, but he quickly regained his balance. He started walking out towards the middle of the lake. Jonathan didn't know why he was doing it; it was like he was in a trance or something.

Towards the middle of the lake, the ice started to crack. Jonathan's eyes widened as he started to try and walk away. He didn't want to slip and fall, as he feared that the ice would break, so he walked slowly to the bank. Even though he took these precautions, the ice still cracked with every step he took.

One large cracking sound later, Jonathan froze. It continued to crack all along the lake. He felt his body fall downwards into the lake. Jonathan clenched his eyes shut and held his breath.

When he realized that he wasn't in the freezing water, he cracked open an eye. He was off the ground, a few feet up in the air. In that moment, Jonathan became aware of the arms gripping him tight. He looked up and saw a man looking down at him.

He was kind of tan and seemed to be of Asian descent. That's not what caught Jonathan's eyes, though. It was the wings. His wings were tipped in heavy frost. They glistened in the sunlight and Jonathan couldn't stop staring.

The creature put him down on the solid ground lightly, but Jonathan still lost his balance and fell on his back. It then shook it's wings a bit before setting them behind him. He looked curiously at Jonathan, as if he was expecting an answer of some sort.

Jonathan took heavy breaths as he stared into the man's chocolate brown eyes. It walked up to Jonathan and held out a hand. Jonathan cautiously took it, pulling himself up.

The creature's wings spread out once more and flapped a couple of times before wrapping around the two. Jonathan stood still, not knowing what was going on.

Jonathan looked up at the man, who was smiling at him slightly. It was then when he realized that it was a lot warmer with the wings around him.

Was it trying to help him?

Jonathan decided that yes, it was. His legs started to get tired from standing, and he felt his legs start to give out. The man held him up, so Jonathan was pressed against him.

For some reason, Jonathan started to feel drowsy after this. He fought to keep his eyes open, but he just couldn't. Jonathan took one last look at the mysterious creature who saved him. The thing smiled lightly at Jonathan, wrapping the wings tighter. At that, Jonathan closed his eyes, and fell asleep.


When Jonathan woke up, he was in a room that he had never seen before. He got up and groaned. His head was killing him. Footsteps came closer to the room and an elderly woman walked in. "Oh, you're awake! Wonderful. Let me get you some water," she said as she quickly went away. Jonathan sat up and looked around.

A couple of seconds later, the woman returned with some water. "Here you go, honey. How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Confused with a headache," Jonathan murmured.

"Drink the water, it'll help with that headache." Jonathan took a sip of water and closed his eyes.

"How did I get here?" He asked as he opened his eyes.

"Well, I was hopin' that you would tell me. Last night, there was a knock on the door and there you were, passed out on the snow." Jonathan tried to remember the night before.

He remembered a face that he had never seen before and white, snowy wings, along with getting out of his car to search for people, but other than that, it was blank.

"I remember getting out of my car because it was stuck on the side of the road, but I don't remember ever finding this place," he admitted.

"Well, that's alright, deary. At least you made it," she assured. Jonathan nodded and took another sip of his water.

"I'm going to go and get some clothes for you, alright?" Jonathan nodded again as she smiled at him and left the room. Jonathan looked out the window while he waited. He could've sworn that he saw something flapping outside of the window, but he put it as just his imagination.

Though, he could never shake the feeling that he was being watched. Not in the stalker way, but more in a protective way. He ignored it instead and focused on trying to find his car once he was ready.

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