Request - Enemies (Part 1)

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Note: Requested by @hunter41329. I hope you enjoy this kinda long one-shot!

Pairing: Vancat

Bat Owl punched the guy to his left straight in the face, kicking one on the right in his stomach. He dodged a couple of hits and even a knife before kicking all of their asses. He grabbed the knife and made his way up the stairs.

A couple more guys came out, but they had gone with them. Bat Owl felt one of the bullets lightly graze his shoulder before he ducked. He threw the knife at one of them, it hitting the guy in front in the chest. He screamed and fell back, clutching his chest.

The others guys yelled at each others they pushed the guy off. As soon as they did, Bat Owl was already up to their level and took the gun from the next guy, hitting him just right. He got the rest of the guys up there before dropping the gun. He never liked using guns.

He stood at the door before slamming it open, ready for action. He was surprised to see that no one was waiting for him. He stared walking in slowly and carefully when the door behind him shut. He turned around quickly, expecting his enemy, but no one was there. When he turned around, still, no one waited for him.

He started walking into the room some more when an arm made its way around his neck, choking him. Bat Owl kicked and clawed at the arm. He bit down, causing the perpetrator to hiss and loosen his grip.

Bat Owl kicked him one more time, getting out of his grip and turning around to see the one and only Wildcat. "Hey, biting's not allowed, dumbass. We save that for the bedroom," he joked, a smirk growing on his face. Bat Owl growled underneath his mask.

"Give it up, Wildcat." Wildcat frowned and glanced at the desk in the middle of the room before looking back at Bat Owl.

"Now, what's the fun in that?" He asked. Bat Owl started walking towards Wildcat, and Wildcat replied by walking backwards. "Now, let's be rational about this," he chuckled nervously. Bat Owl almost stopped.

Wildcat sounding nervous? That's wasn't normal. But he kept on walking until Wildcat had reached the desk. Wildcat then started laughing, causing Bat Owl to stop. "What's so funny, huh?" Bat Owl sneered. Wildcat's laughter died down after a little bit.

"Oh, nothing. Just you and your stupid fucking bird brain, that's all."

Before Bat Owl could respond, Wildcat grabbed a gas mask from one of the drawers of the desk and put it on just as gas started filling up the room. Bat Owl's eyes widened as he covered his mouth with his outfit and ran to the door.

Wildcat beat him to it and grabbed Bat Owl's head, pulling it up and choking him. Bat Owl clawed at the arm, coughing as his eyes started to water. "Nighty night, birdy," Wildcat whispered just as Bat Owl's vision went black.


Bat Owl woke up tied to a chair in the middle of a room he had never seen before. He looked around to see if there was anyone else around. He didn't, so he looked around one more time to see if there was any way out. Instead of that, he found his mask on the table in front of him.

Bat Owl finally realized that he wasn't wearing it and groaned internally. He also noticed that his stuff was on the table as well, causing Bat Owl to grit his teeth. He needed to get out of there, now.

Before he could do anything, a door behind him opened, and Wildcat stepped into his view. "Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. Did you sleep well?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Fuck you," Bat Owl hissed.

"That's not very nice, now is it, Bat Owl? Or should I just call you Evan?" Evan's eyes widened.

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