Request - Weak Spot (Part 2)

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Note: Requested by @alexessa1. Also, smut in this one-shot. Enjoy!

Pairing: H2OVanoss

Delirious held the woman's mouth shut as he held a knife to her throat. "Shh, it'll all be over soon," he whispered before he slit her throat. He stood back and admired his work before he laughed his delirious laugh. He happily skipped out of the building and into the alley next to the apartment. He waited for the familiar sound of a police siren to fill his ears.

When it did, he peeked around the corner to see who it was. He saw that it was Evan, and the grin on his face grew when he saw that Evan was alone. He picked up a rock that was by his feet and threw it at Evan. It missed, but it hit his car. Evan stopped and looked around, trying to find where it came from.

Delirious held back his laugh as he threw another rock. This time, Evan saw where it came from, and started to walk in that direction.

When he got to the alley, Delirious pulled him in and held him against the wall. "Hello, officer," he greeted. A surprised look sat on Evan's face, and Delirious' grin grew. "In case you were wondering, I wasn't feeling that well the last time we met. But this time," he laughed, "I feel great."

Instead of fear, Delirious saw a smirk form on Evan's face. "Delirious, Delirious, Delirious. Do you really think you can win this?"

The reaction caught Delirious off guard for a second. That second was all it took for Evan to switch their positions.

Delirious' previous cocky attitude vanished completely, and a blush was now rising onto his cheeks. Evan chuckled at that. "Oh, it's so cute whenever you try to be tough," he sighed.

Delirious realized that he still had his knife in his hand, so he tried to get his arm free. Sadly, Evan had caught this and grabbed his arm, causing him to drop it before he moved Delirious' arm to above his head, doing the same with the other hand. He held both arms in one hand as the other lightly cupped Delirious' blood-covered face.

He didn't say anything; he just stared into Delirious' bright blue eyes. A couple of seconds later, his lips collided with Delirious', his tongue finding his way into the other's mouth.

Delirious moaned instantly, his arms struggling against Evan's hand. Evan let them go, and they found their way into Evan's hair. Evan's own hands went straight to Delirious' back, sliding down to his ass.

They moved to the front of his jeans and slowly unbuttoned them. He then slowly removed the two layers of clothing. Delirious gasped as the cold air hit his member. Evan slowly removed his own jeans and underwear, causing Delirious to whimper impatiently. Delirious connected their lips together, causing Evan to chuckle.

Evan pulled away and nearly forced his fingers into Delirious' mouth. Delirious sucked on them, letting them go with a loud pop and a moan. Evan smirked against Delirious' skin as his fingers trailed down. Delirious hissed at the feeling of one finger being put in.

The next one was just as painful, but Delirious loved it. Evan worked his fingers, and Delirious' eyes shut tight as he moaned loudly. Evan smirked again and pulled his fingers out, causing Delirious to whine.

Evan lined himself up before he slowly pushed in. Delirious gasped at the feeling, his nails sliding down Evan's back. Evan hissed slightly at the feeling on his back, but he ignored the pain.

"Move, please."

The words were almost not heard because of how quiet they were. Evan complied, and pulled back before slamming back in. Delirious gasped as his hands clenched into fists. Evan repeated the process over and over, and each time Delirious moaned just as loud as the last time.

It was only when Evan's lips found the spot on Delirious' neck when Delirious started seeing stars in his vision. He threw his head back as a loud, shaky moan escaped his lips, the sound echoing through the empty alley.

That sound alone drove Evan insane.

He went in faster, harder. Delirious choked on his own spit, stopping the scream from escaping his throat. Delirious furiously clawed at Evan's back, gasping. "E-Ev-an-n," Delirious moaned, barely being able to form words. "I'm-I'm-" he was interrupted by a moan that ripped from his throat as he came.

Evan soon followed suit, filling Delirious up to the brim. Delirious and Evan panted as Evan pulled out. Delirious legs trembled, and he nearly collapsed to the ground. Evan held him up, chuckling tiredly. Delirious looked up at Evan, lust still slightly clouding his blue eyes. He pulled Evan closer and kissed him. Evan kissed back, still supporting Delirious up.

They both pulled back panting slightly. Evan worked his pants back on and helped Delirious with his. Instead of just leaving Delirious alone, he brought him to the car. At first, Delirious struggled weakly against him, but Evan stopped him. "Don't worry, I'm not bringing you in. I'm just bringing you to my place so I can clean you up, that's all."

Delirious would have continied to struggle, but he was too tired. So, he let Evan drag him to his car.

As it turns out, Evan was just bringing him to his home. Evan pulled Delirious into his bedroom, where Evan got undressed once more. He put on his pajamas and helped Delirious into a clean pair. Then, he helped Delirious onto the bed before laying down next to him. Delirious fell asleep fast, and so did Evan.

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