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Note: This one-shot is kind of based off of fanart made by ChloesImagination. If you haven't already, go check them out! And I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Pairing: Septiplier

Every morning when Jack woke up, he would walk to his balcony and look over. It was the only way for him to be close to the outside world; his parents locked him in as they were afraid that something bad was going to happen to him the minute he stepped door outside. They reluctantly let him go to the balcony, but eventually they became fine with it. As long as their son wasn't really outside, they were fine.

Jack would stay on the balcony for sometimes the whole day if he wanted. He didn't mind staying home the entire time; in fact, he was perfectly fine with it. Jack never had to worry about being homesick. Plus his parents always told him about the bad things that happened out there, so Jack was good with staying home.

His parents were very strict about what Jack could and couldn't do, how he dressed, and what he said. That's why Jack always wore a bow around his neck, as his mother wanted him to look nice. Jack never liked it in the front, but if the bow was on the back, it didn't irritate him as much.

One day, Jack was on his balcony, looking over it. He saw a boy with floofy black hair and glasses stop and look up at him. The boy waved at Jack, and Jack waved back. "What are you doing up there?" The boy called.

"Enjoying the view," Jack called back. The boy frowned.

"Enjoying the view? From there? You have a really crappy view then. Why don't you come down here?" He offered. Jack shook his head.

"No, I think I'm good. Thanks, anyways." The boy frowned even more.

"C'mon, I always see you cooped up there with your big bow and everything. Why don't you come down for once?" Jack laughed and smiled at the boy.

"Cause I like it up here, that's why. And I have to go. I'll talk to you tomorrow though!" The boy tried to stop Jack, but Jack retreated into his room before anything could be said.


For the next few years, the boy had come to Jack's window everyday and tried to get Jack to come down. Jack learned that the boy's name was Mark, and he was a street kid.

"C'mon, Jack! Just once! You can't live your life staying up there, y'know," Mark said.

"I can try," Jack replied, smiling at Mark. Jack found it amusing when Mark tried so hard, but he knew that he wasn't going anywhere.

"One of these days, I'm going to drag you and that bow of yours down here," Mark mumbled. Jack just laughed.

"Nice try, Mark, but threatening me isn't going to do anything." Before Mark could say anything else, Jack went back into his room, just like all those other days. Jack sighed and flopped down on his bed. When was Mark gonna stop?

Jack then got a thought that he hadn't thought of: Mark was about the same age as Jack, so why was he allowed to go outside? Why were his parents the only ones that seemed to prohibit him from stepping foot outside of the house?

The more he thought about it, the more he became aware that his parents weren't going to control his entire life. It was already too late now, but he promised himself that he would go outside the next day.


Jack waited for Mark to come around to his window. He knew that Mark would probably know what it's like down there, so he was going to ask before he did anything, just to make sure.

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