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Tumblr prompt: Their kisses were toxic

Note: Short one-shot. This isn't a vent fic if that's what you're wondering. And sorry if it confuses you. But I hope you enjoy it!

Pairing: H2OVanoss

Jonathan hated Evan.

He hated every little bit about him; the way his hair fit his face perfectly, that little smile he gave, his laugh- everything. If he could, he would slap that smirk off of Evan's face and feed him to the wolves.

Those types of fantasies are what usually happened when he was alone. Jonathan would come up with a million different ways to just end Evan. Some days he remembered how easy it would be to just take him off of the Earth. He didn't care if he would go to jail afterwords; he hated Evan that much. Just because he was perfect. And one other reason:

Jonathan absolutely loved Evan.

Jonathan loved the way they fit like a puzzle piece; he loved the feeling of Evan's lips on his; he loved the way Evan's name sounded when it came out of his mouth, and the way that Evan said his own name; he loved that little smile that sent Jonathan over the edge; he loved Evan so, so much. And he hated him for it.

Evan knew every little thing about Jonathan; the way he likes his food, the things he likes, the things he hates, the things that makes him tick; Evan knew it all. And that's why Jonathan hated him.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get Evan off of his mind. He would try and get rid of him, but that never worked. Everything Evan did made Jonathan love him more, and Jonathan hated it.

He hated how Evan's kisses were toxic; toxic to the point where Jonathan no longer wanted them, but he needed them.

He hated how he would always scream Evan's name in ecstasy because Evan fit in just right.

He hated every morning where Evan's hair would be all tousled up while making pancakes, and then he would give that little sleepy smile that killed him.

He hated that Evan was just absolutely perfect in every single way to him.

He hated that Evan would always pull him back whether he meant to or not.

He hated that Evan was going to be there for him, no matter what.

He hated it.

And that's why he loved Evan.

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