Feathers (Part 1)

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Tumblr prompt (kinda): "I am going to pull all your feathers out one by one."

Pairing: Vancat

When Evan showed Tyler that he had wings, Tyler thought it was pretty fucking cool.

What wasn't cool was the fact that by the end of the day, there would be a shit-ton of feathers on the ground that Tyler would have to clean up. It was starting to get annoying, to say the least.

"I am going to pull out all your feathers one by one," he grumbled as he picked up another pile of feathers off the ground.

"Hey! It's not my fault they keep falling out!" Evan protested, lightly smacking Tyler with one of the wings.

"Hey, don't do that! You'll get even more feathers everywhere!" Evan pulled the wing back and rested it on his back.

"Sorry," Evan said sheepishly.

"No, it's not your fault. You said it yourself, you can't control it. I just wish there was a way to keep them from flying everywhere," he mumbled. Evan sat next to Tyler and thought with him. Tyler looked at Evan's wings and got an idea. "Hey, turn to face that wall," Tyler instructed.

"What? Why?"

"I think I have a plan to stop the feathers from going everywhere." Evan's eyes lit up and he turned so his back was facing Tyler. "Push your wings out a little?" Evan did so, and now Tyler could get to Evan's wings easier.

He started to run his hands through Evan's wings, and sure enough, the feathers started to fall. "Ha! I think I just solved our problem!" Tyler exclaimed, continuing to run his hands through the feathers.

He didn't notice the fact that Evan had gone quiet, or the fact that Evan was holding his breath and that his face was slowly turning red. Once Tyler was sure the first wing was done, he went onto the next.

He had started to notice Evan's quietness at this point. "Evan? You okay? Am I hurting you?" Tyler asked, concerned for his friend. Tyler's hand had stopped on a very sensitive spot, and Evan was trying not to make a sound.

"No, I'm fine," he said quickly.

"Are you sure? Cause if it's hurting you, I can stop-"

"No! No, it's fine, trust me. I'll tell you when to stop." Tyler gave his friend a concerned look before cautiously going back to trying to get all of the loose feathers out.

Because Tyler was going slower, it made Evan's head spin. Evan bit his lip, trying not to make a sound. Eventually, Tyler was done, but he liked the feeling of Evan's feathers through his fingers. So, he started back on the first wing. "Are you done yet?" Evan asked a little breathlessly.

"Huh? Oh, uh, kinda. I'm just making sure that there aren't any feathers that I missed," Tyler lied. Evan nodded and continued to bite his lip. Tyler ended up mostly running his fingers through a certain spot on Evan's wings that were right in the middle because of how soft they felt. For Evan, though, that was the most sensitive part of his wings.

So without knowing it, Tyler was putting Evan through hell.

Evan stopped biting his lip for a second for it to stop hurting, but right as he did that, Tyler pressed down on the spot a little, and Evan couldn't control himself. His back arched as he let out a loud moan.

Tyler jumped at the sudden noise and pulled back immediately. "Evan?" Evan panted a little before stopping and realizing what he just did. His face turned red as he hid it behind his hands. "Evan? Are you okay?"

Tyler was concerned for his friend, even if he knew his friend wasn't in pain. Well, physically, anyways. "Does it look like I'm okay? No! I am not okay!" As Evan yelled, his wings flew back and hit Tyler in the face.

Tyler blocked them and pushed them back, but his hands ran over the sensitive part again, and Evan moaned once more before falling back on Tyler. "Evan!" Evan covered his face again as Tyler stared at him. "Hey, Evan, you do realize that it doesn't really matter, right?" Evan peeked through his hands.


"It doesn't really change anything, Evan. You're good." Evan sighed and removed his hands from his face.

"I know, but... That was just kind of embarrassing," he admitted.

"Well, I learned something. Actually, we both did. You learned where a really sensitive part of your wings are, and I learned what to do if you start being annoying again."

"Tyler!" Evan yelled, laughing a little as he tried to smack Tyler's arm. Tyler laughed and blocked Evan's shitty attack.

"Kidding, kidding! But seriously, I will not do that again. Unless you want me to," Tyler teased, leaning down. Evan rolled his eyes and pushed Tyler's face away.

"Go away, weirdo."

"Hey, you're the one with the wings."


They both laughed and sat like that for the rest of the evening.

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