Request - Underwater Kiss (Part 2)

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Note: Requested by @MariahMcneill. Enjoy!

Pairing: H2OVanoss

Everyday, Evan would go to the aquarium and visit Jonathan. Jonathan absolutely loved Evan's attention, and the two actually brought more visitors to the aquarium.

But lately, Jonathan wasn't as energetic as usual. He still loved being around Evan, but there was a certain spark that was gone. Mostly when Evan had to go. Evan noticed how sad Jonathan seemed to be whenever he had to go, and he could only imagine what it was like when Evan couldn't be there at all. Also, Jonathan seemed more bored lately, as if the glass box he was in wasn't interesting anymore. Evan hated seeing Jonathan like that, so he tried to do something about it.

"Get a bigger tank? Get a bigger tank? Did you guys even listen to me? A bigger tank isn't going to do shit. You need to do something about it! It's not good for his health. Have you guys even been paying attention to him? He's not looking so good anymore. Doesn't that say something to you?"

"Mr. Fong, Jonathan is our biggest attraction here. We can't exactly get rid of him. We could try moving him to one of the other rooms if you would like."

Evan didn't respond. He just got up and left the room, slamming the door behind him. He sighed and walked up the ladder to where he could get to Jonathan.

Jonathan was happy to see him at first, but noticed that Evan wasn't looking as happy as he normally did. Jonathan slowly swam up to him and sat at the edge of the tank, looking at him worriedly.

Evan sighed and looked at Jonathan before giving him a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Jonathan, I'm fine. I couldn't get them to do anything about the tank issue, and I'm sorry, I really am." Jonathan smiled back a little before giving Evan as kiss on the cheek. Evan smiled a little bit more at the action. "Don't worry, Jonathan. I've got other plans to get you out of here. It might get me in trouble, but it's worth it. Trust me on this."


The next day, Evan had his plan ready to go. He had his pickup truck with a hose in the back. He walked in with a big smile on his face, and Jonathan noticed. Because Evan was smiling, he smiled as well. Evan quickly walked up the ladder and gave Jonathan a big kiss on the lips when he got there.

The kiss surprised Jonathan, but he didn't mind. "I'm gonna get you out of here today. It's gonna a take time, but you'll be out of here as soon as possible, alright?" Jonathan nodded, and Evan smiled even brighter. He walked back out to his truck and connected the hose to the back of the building. He started pumping water into the back of the truck, letting it fill up.

It may have been a crazy idea, but it was worth it to Evan.

Evan ran back inside and up the ladder to the tank. Jonathan swam up to where Evan was with a confused look on his face. Evan motioned for him to come closer, so Jonathan did. Evan grinned and pulled Jonathan out of the tank, holding him bridal style.

Jonathan made a surprised noise and held onto Evan as tightly as he could. The feeling of Jonathan's tail against Evan's arms felt weird, but Evan ignored it. He slowly walked down the ladder, and eventually was on the ground floor.

Jonathan had relaxed by then and started wiggling his tail around, giggling as he did so. Evan smiled at the sight and was almost at the door when a voice came from behind. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?" Evan turned around to find one of the staff members staring at him.

Evan's eyes widened as he hurried out the door. He heard the man call for backup as he exited to door. Evan carefully put Jonathan in the back of the truck, which was one filled with water. "Stay here, and be careful, alright?" Jonathan nodded, and Evan quickly kissed his head before he got into the drivers side of the truck.

Personel were now rushing outside, trying to get to Evan's truck. Evan sped away before they could, but he did so carefully so Jonathan wouldn't get swung around to hard.

Eventually they made it out of traffic and on the calm road to Evan's house. Evan laughed and stopped on the side of the road to check on Jonathan. Jonathan was laughing and splashing his tail around, swimming to all the sides of the truck. Evan just laughed and got back into the truck, finishing the ride home.

Once be got there, he picked Jonathan back up, and walked to the backyard, where he had a pool. He carefully put Jonathan into it, and Jonathan happily swam around.

Jonathan came back up to Evan and gave him a surprise kiss before dragging him into the pool, just as he did when they first met. Evan laughed when he got back up and splashes water at Jonathan, causing the merman to use his tail to splash water back at Evan.

They swam around for a little until Evan was getting tired. "I would love to stay out here, but I got to go inside. Don't worry, I'm going to be right at that window," Evan said, pointing to a window that over looked the pool. Jonathan nodded and gave Evan one last kiss before he let Evan go back inside.

Once Evan was ready do go to bed, he looked out at the window to see Jonathan waiting for him. Jonathan smiled and waved at him, splashing his tail into the water. Evan smiled and waved back before going into bed.

That night, Evan slept better than he had for ages.

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