Request - Ghosts (Part 2)

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Note: Requested by @afanficlover. I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Pairing: H2OVanoss

After that first encounter, Jonathan payed close attention to everything in the bar. He watches the glasses, the tables, the door; everything. Yes, he had become paranoid.

Then again, who wouldn't?

Though he was careful not to make it too obvious. If someone asked about it, he would just brush it off as him zoning out. Needless to say, everyone took it. Even old man Jenkins, who always saw through everyone. Then again, he was drunk most of the time he was in the bar, so he probably couldn't tell either way.

On this particular night, Jonathan had to stay even later than usual. He had to take care of the money, putting it in piles: Money that stayed in the bar, money that went into Jonathan's pocket, and money that went to important things like bills and such.

Jonathan really didn't want to stay in later, as he had made it a habit to leave as soon as possible. But he knew it had to be done, so he stayed behind. Jonathan sighed as he took out all of the money from the cash register.

The door bell rung, even though the door didn't open. Jonathan froze and slowly looked up. He didn't see anything and didn't hear anything. But he was sure he had heard that bell ring. He shook his head and started to count. One of the glasses on the bar tinged, and Jonathan's eyes shot up, scanning the area.

Still nothing.

Jonathan let out a frustrated sigh as he finished counting and started to put them into piles.

He just finished when he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist and a cold breath on his neck. "Well it's nice to see you again," a voice said with a chuckle. Jonathan froze as his breath hitched. He dropped what was in his hand and glanced behind him.

Evan Fong stood there with a smirk on his face. Jonathan's eyes widened as he tried to move. Evan held him there and turned him around. "Ah, ah, ah. You're not going anywhere," he growled, nipping at Jonathan's neck. Jonathan let out a shaky breath as he stood there, powerless. His hands gripped the edge of the bar so tightly that his knuckles were turning white.

Evan pulled back and used one of his free hands to grab Jonathan's face. He looked him in the eye carefully as he leaned in closer. "How's for a little reunion, Delirious?"

Evan kissed Jonathan, and no matter how hard Jonathan tried, he couldn't get Evan off.

Suddenly, Evan disappeared, and Jonathan was left in the bar. Before he knew it, all the lights were on, and there were a group of people standing around a table talking about something.

Jonathan got closer and realized that it was the crew that Evan was in. Everyone else was there too; Terroriser, Wildcat, Mini, and Moo. The only one missing was-

"Hey, bitches! What did I miss?"

Jonathan looked over to the door to see Delirious standing there with a grin on his face. Jonathan had to admit, they looked almost exactly alike. "Oh great, who let the clown in?" Wildcat grumbled. Evan shot him a look and motioned for Delirious to come closer.

"Not much, we were actually just going over how to make this place more secretive," he explained, giving Delirious a kiss on the cheek. Delirious laughed a little before looking at the map.

"Where's the teddy bear room? There's got to be one of those in every hideout," Delirious said, frowning as he looked over the map again.

"Why would we add a teddy bear room?" Terroriser asked with a huff.

"Because it's Delirious, and Evan will do anything the please his boyfriend," Mini mumbled.

They continued talking, and Jonathan was surprised by the entire thing. They actually seemed like normal people. Well, everyone except for Delirious, but that was understandable.

Suddenly, the door burst open, and the cops came through, yelling at everyone to get on the ground. Evan, Wildcat and Terroriser went in front, covering the other three as they got their own weapons out. Delirious tried to grab Evan and run, but Evan told him to go on without him. Delirious did, and he was the only one that made it out.

Jonathan watched this all happen, and felt immense sadness watch over him. The scene in front of him froze, and Evan appeared in front of him. "Ready to join us, Delirious?" He asked. Jonathan's eyes widened as he started backing away. His back hit the wall behind him, leaving him trapped.

Evan laughed and lifted Jonathan's chin with his finger. "Don't worry, I won't let them get you, just like last time." Evan kissed Jonathan once more, pushing him against the wall even more. Jonathan squeaked and tried to pry Evan off, but it was no use. Evan's lips went to Jonathan's neck, and Jonathan's eyes shut slowly.

Just as they did, the feeling of Evan disappeared. Jonathan opened his eyes and found himself standing outside of the bar. He looked around, only to see nobody in the streets. Something clicked in his head, and he knew why he was there. He entered the bar with a grin on his face.

"Hey bitches! What did I miss?"

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