Mitochondria is the Powerhouse of the Cell

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Tumblr prompt (kinda): "Can you please stop saying "Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell"???? It's fucking physics."

Pairing: H2OVanoss

At first, it was funny. It was a new year, new people, new everything. Everyone was awkward because they didn't know what to expect. So when people were in their classes on the first day, they were nervous.

It was a relief when the teacher had asked what they remembered from the years before and someone raised their hand and said "Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell," making everyone laugh. That person was Evan Fong, class clown. And some of those people, mostly the ones that were on the internet all of the time, laughed, or at least were snickering the most.

One of these people was Jonathan Dennis. He was one of those Tumblr people that saw that exact phrase all of the time, so he snorted a laugh when he heard it. Evan glanced at him for a second before sitting back with a grin in his face as the teacher sighed.

Now, it wasn't as funny. Evan sat next to Jonathan and everyday he would whisper those same words. It didn't make Jonathan laugh anymore. In fact, it made him annoyed more than anything.

He always groaned whenever he saw that cheeky grin on Evan's face when he walked into the room. Evan would then plop down in his seat and say those words. It took all of Jonathan's strength not to just strangle him right then and there.

Today was no different. Jonathan got there first, praying that Evan wasn't here. Evan still made it into class and sat down next to Jonathan with that all-knowing grin. Jonathan groaned and banged his head in his desk. It was going to be a long day.

"So," Evan started. Jonathan reluctantly lifted his head to hear what Evan had to say. "What are we doing today? Other than learning that-"

"Can you please stop saying 'Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell'?" Jonathan cut in. Evan stopped talking and looked at Jonathan.

"Why? It's science isn't it?" He asked.

"It's fucking physics," Jonathan spat.

"So?" Jonathan stared at him like he was crazy.

"So? So? It's the wrong science class, dipshit." Evan just blinked at him.

"And...?" Jonathan sighed.

"You're never gonna get it, are you?"

"Nope." Jonathan sighed again.

"God dammit." Evan laughed.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it." He said while patting Jonathan's back. Jonathan glared at him before sighing once more.

"Why? Why does it have to be me?" Evan shrugged.

"I dunno. Maybe because you love me?" This earned another glare and and snort from Jonathan.

"Yeah, right," he said, rolling his eyes.

"C'mon, I know you do~" Evan said in a slight sing-song voice. Jonathan just hit his head on his desk, groaning. Evan chuckled before sitting Jonathan back up. "But seriously, what are we doing today?"


The next day, Jonathan sat back down in his seat and waited for Evan to come walking through the door. Jonathan constantly looked at it, waiting for him to walk in. The teacher called roll, and marked him absent. Jonathan still waited for Evan to come in, even when it was apparent that he wasn't there.

It finally became evident to him when the bell rang. Jonathan knew that he should probably be feeling happy that he didn't have to deal with Evan that day, but something about it made him a bit sad.

He hated to admit it, but he missed hearing the Canadian's annoying science joke that wasn't even funny anymore. Jonathan sighed and went on with his day, his mind on the missing class clown.


Evan was gone until the next week when he came back. Jonathan lit up when he saw Evan walk in the door.
Evan sat down next to him and looked over to Jonathan. "Where have you been?" Jonathan asked, trying not to sound like he actually missed him. Evan chuckled.

"I was sick. What, did you miss me?" Jonathan scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Why would I be? I didn't have to listen to your stupid comments for like, a week. It was heaven for me," he said. Evan just laughed.

"So, what did I miss? Other than that mitochondria is-"

"Please stop. Just, no." Evan smirked at him.

"Oh yeah? What if I don't?"

"I will take your own words and choke you with them if you don't stop."

"Nah." Jonathan groaned and hit his head on the table.

"Remind me again why I missed you?" He mumbled to himself. Evan laughed and patted Jonathan's back.

"See? The first step is to admit that you missed me. Do you feel better now?" Jonathan lifted his head just enough to glare at Evan.

"No." Evan laughed once more and pulled Jonathan back up.

"C'mon, help me with this stuff, I never learned this." Jonathan sighed and got out his notebook.

After that, Jonathan didn't mind as much when Evan said it (but that doesn't mean he'll show it).

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