Request - Underwater Kiss (Part 3)

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Note: Requested by @HomestuckTrash771. I hope you enjoy this one-shot!

Pairing: H2OVanoss

Evan sat in his dining room with his head on the table and a glass in his hand. It had been nearly a month since they took Jonathan, they being some asshole scientists doing 'research'.


Evan sighed and brought the glass up to his lips. He wanted to do something, but he couldn't. He wasn't about to take the chance and get arrested. If he did, he would probably never see Jonathan again, and that just broke his heart. Of course, it broke his heart just sitting in with a glass in his hand, but it was easier that way. He could forget for a night before it all came crashing down in the morning.

He heard the front door open and close. He knew it was his friend, Luke, who was probably there to get him to bed. He heard the familiar sigh and felt the glass being taken out of his hand.

"You can't just do this, Evan."

"Well, I am. And I'm going to. And nothing is going to stop me."

Luke sighed once more. "Look, Evan, I know you're upset and everything, but you gotta do something."

"Like what?"

"Something other than this."

"Not gonna happen."

Another sigh. "Evan, I have something for you, but you gotta promise me you'll get off your ass and so something." Evan finally looked up, his eyes slightly bloodshot. Luke handed him a piece of paper. "Here." Evan took it and looked at it. His eyes widened as he looked back up at his friend. "You're welcome, by the way." Evan didn't say anything; he only smiled and hugged his friend tightly before getting his stuff and leaving.


Evan glanced at the paper as he drove. The paper read the address that Jonathan was at, along with a plan of what him and Luke were going to do on the back.

When Evan got there, the place looked empty. An electric fence stood far above him, along with a 'No Trespassing' sign. Evan had parked his truck in a wooded area before walking along the fence.

The familiar hum surrounded Evan as he walked down the fence. Eventually, he got to a giant hole in the fence. He waited a couple of seconds before the hum stopped, allowing him to go in.

Just as he was on the other side, the hum began again. Evan let out a silent sigh of relief as he carefully walked to the back. Luke had given him a map of the place as well.

Sadly, the place where Jonathan was at was on the other side of where he was at. So he had to go passed all of the security guards and cameras.



Somehow, Evan had managed to get through security and was now at the back door. He had to run at the last bit because a guard had seen him. He made it out, but the place was on security lock down.

Evan looked through the small window and saw a couple of scientists surrounding a tank which held Jonathan. Evan's eyes widened as he moved back, trying to figure out how to get in.

One of the scientists started walking towards the door, and the rest started to follow. Evan panicked and stood behind where the door would open. The scientists filed out, talking about some important procedure or whatever. None of them noticed Evan. Evan caught the door and quickly made it inside the room.

Jonathan had his back to Evan while he was curled up into a ball. Evan snuck up behind the tank and tapped once. Jonathan didn't turn around or move. Evan went to the front and tapped again. Jonathan looked up slightly and did a double take. His face lit up instantly as he uncurled himself and swam around.

Evan felt a grin grow back on his face as he put his hands onto the glass. Jonathan returned the gesture, putting his lips onto the glass as well. Evan laughed and did the same before pulling back. "I'm gonna get you out of here, okay?" Evan whispered. Jonathan nodded.

Evan looked around for some way to transport Jonathan. He found a cart that could hold the mermaid near a janitors closet. Evan got an idea and went to work.


Evan kept his head down as he walked down the hall. Jonathan wriggled around in the sheets that covered him as he laid in the cart. Evan shushed Jonathan before going outside. A guard saw him and stopped him. Evan started getting nervous, but kept his cool. "What are you doing with those sheets?" The guard asked.

"I, uh, I'm going to wash them," Evan replied.

"Then why are you going in the opposite direction?" Evan could feel the suspicion that the guard had.

"I'm, I'm the newbie you see, so I-I must've gotten lost," Evan laughed nervously. The guard seemed to loosen up after that.

"Oh, so you're the newbie! Sorry, I had no idea. But the wash house is over there, near the exit. Good luck!" The guard pointed to where he was supposed to go before waving him off with a smile. Evan sighed and turned himself around. Jonathan peeked out from the sheets to give him a goofy grin.

"Oh, hush, you. At least we didn't get caught." Jonathan giggled before hiding back under the sheets. He had made it to the exit when another guard came up to him.

"Where do you think you're going?" Evan froze and turned around slightly. It was the same guard that had nearly caught him earlier.

"Uh, well, you see..." Evan trailed off. The guard called for backup on his walkie talkie as he got his gun out.

"I'm gonna need you to step away from the cart." Evan glanced at the cart, then the exit, and back at the guard. Instead of stepping away, he walked backwards, pushing the cart with his back. "Sir, step away from the cart, now."

Evan made a mad rush to open the door and shove the cart through. The guard took a shot, missing. Evan closed the door behind him as the guard requested for more backup, running towards Evan. Jonathan's top half sat outside of the cart, looking around alarmingly. A siren erupted from the site, along with a bell. Jonathan hid under the sheets after hearing the noise.

Evan got to another parked truck that Luke had gotten there. Evan pulled Jonathan out of the cart, who was now starting to take deep breaths. Evan rushed Jonathan into the truck before leaving.

Vans started coming after Evan, following his every turn. Evan cursed silently. There was only one place he knew that would be safe for Jonathan; the nearby beach. Evan rushed there, trying to not hurt Jonathan along the way.

Evan managed to make it there, but the vans were still following him. Evan carried Jonathan to the low-lying dock and set him in the water. Jonathan stayed under for a second before coming back up with a smile on his face. Evan smiled sadly at him, giving him a kiss on the head before starting to get up. Jonathan frowned and pulled Evan back down.

"Jonathan, I have to go, I'm sorry. You have to go. It's not safe here." The vans pulled up as people started to come out, yelling at Evan to come back. Jonathan saw them and growled at the sight before pulling Evan into the water.

The people ran to the edge of the dock, looking for the two. Jonathan and Evan were just under the dock. Evan was holding his breath, but he was starting to need air. Jonathan saw this and swam up the the surface, splashing his tail as a distraction.

The people turned their attention to the sound as Jonathan pulled Evan to the other side to breathe. Evan got a bit breath before going back under the dock.

The people eventually left, knowing that they had lost. Once they did, Evan and Jonathan went up to the surface. Jonathan smiled happily and Evan and gave him a big kiss. Evan kissed back, glad to finally have his merman back.

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