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" "You are so much more calm and mesmerizing during the night." He quietly said behind my back.

"Everyone has a 2 a.m. and a 2 p.m. personality." I whisper.

He sighed and laughed a bit silently.

My hands trembled, and my entire body froze as he wrapped his warm arms around my cold waist. He knew that I would be safe in his arms and I knew that he loved me too much to let me fall. Time passed quick, and the morning came around much faster than it should have. I did not want to let go, he had made me full again. Before, I was like an shattered mirror, broken and useless. He saw the beauty still left in me, and patiently glued me back together. He led me to somewhere I can feel warm again, and he set me free to reflect the beauty in the sunrise.

As I got up from the huge bed, I walked over to the armchair where I had left my clothes. I dressed myself up quickly. I had started to love the blue dress. It suited me.

I walked over to the balcony and watched the morning sun cover up all of Arlen. The people of Arlen had suffered too much. It was up to me, if the people would still have to live in this crumbled land or would a new happy age begin.

I walked back to the armchair. I sighed as i put my turqoise heels on. I walked across the bedroom to the bed.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I smile.

Link opened his eyes slowly. "G-good morning my Princess." He responded fondly.

I stroked his messy hair. "Let's get going, I have made my decision." I stated. "

Zelink: RedamancyWhere stories live. Discover now