Chapter 3 - Apology

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I had been sitting in the empty cell for days. Maybe even weeks. I have lost the track of time passing by. I'm sitting on the same left corner where I have been sitting lately, wrapped up to my robe i'm trembling from the coldness that prevails underground.

I couldn't believe my ears when I heard footsteps against the stone floor. I carefully stood up, my legs are shaking.
An dark character appears in the cell door. I approach him slowly.

"Good morning." The character said.

I recognized him as the same servant that stood by the doors and the Prince.

"It's morning?" I asked sounding as credible as I could.

The servant laughed.

"Young lady, is it possible for you to give a bit more information about that Triforce of yours?" He continued.

"What do you need to know about it? I thought you have had your own in here." I snapped back at him.

The servant got serious quickly. He corrected the monacle on his eye and coughed.

"My dear, do not be afraid of me. I am here with good intentions."

Should I believe him? There was something at his red hair and greenish skin that I certainly did not like.

"Now, my dear, if you could answer to me. Who possesses the Triforce of Hyrule?" He continued with an creepy smile on his face.

I remained silent and stared at him as he stared back.

After an painful minute of silence, I opened my mouth.

"I do." I murmured and tried to look away from his red eyes.

"Oh my. That is quite interesting!" The servant smiled and tapped his hands together. "Such great virtues as Power, Wisdom and Courage.. Am I correct?"


"You wouldn't mind proving it to the old chancellor, would you?" He smiled.

I do. But I guess I'll do it for him. I raised my left hand upwards and the Triforce mark started to glow.

"Ooh!" The servant exulted.

I sighed.

"But.. Now, the Triforce was not the reason why I am here.. Let's see.. Ah! Yes, the Prince would like to see you."

"And why is that?" I blurted.

"To be completely honest with you dear, I have no idea." He shrugged.

He opened the cell door for me and I stepped out. My legs were still shaking. I tried my hardest to walk straight without tumbling to the floor. I followed the tall red haired servant.

"Tell me, my dear, what is your name?" He suddenly asked and looked back.

"Zelda." I responded. "Yours?"

"Dragmire. Ganondorf Dragmire. I am the prince's bodyguard and the chancellor of the palace." He walked forward with dignity.

"It is an pleasure to meet you." I'm lying. Why would it be an pleasure to meet man, who serves an Prince who threw me into jail, and threatened to kill me? I'll keep my mouth shut though, he doesn't have to know that, does he?

Ganondorf looked at me over his shoulder.

"Now my dear, we are arriving to the throne room. Behave propely, will you?" He asked me holding his head up high.

I nodded at him. He doesn't need to tell me that. I can behave propely if I want to.

"Your excellency? Your guest is here."

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