Chapter 1 - The Triforce stealer

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I woke up from the cold ground. I stood up and swiped dirt off my white leggins.

I look around.

Where am I?

The place i had found myself clearly was not Hyrule. Everything seemed to be broken and dark.

How did I get here?

The only thing I can remember is an crack on the wall of the sanctuary.. Did I touch it? What happened..?

I shook my head as I head towards an small village. Atleast it seemed like it.
The road towards the village was covered in pieces of sharp glass. What in the world could have happened here?
As I made my way to the village an old man appeared from one of the ruined houses walking towards me shaking his walking stick. He seemed to be very angry. I stopped. As the man reached me he tossed his walking stick and almost hit me in the head with it. I quickly crouched down and then got up.

"Hey! Watch it!" I snapped at the man who picked his walking stick up.

"What do you want from us! You betrayal! Get out of here!" The man bawl out.

"Betrayal? Excuse me?"

"You heard that right! Scram!"

I did not understand. What have I done to him?

"Well?! Are you just going to stand there? I'll throw this at you again if you don't get out of my eyes!" The man continued shouting and pointed at his muddy walking stick

"Sir, please, calm down. Could you tell me what have I done to you, and where am I?" I asked calmly.

"You know damn well that those earrings and that symbol that you carry is not allowed here! You and your ancestors stole our Triforce!"

What? My earrings? Me and my ancestors? Triforce?

"Now sir, there has to be an mistake, I am not even from here.. I do not understand what you are saying.." I tried to mutter on top of the angry man.

"Get out of here!! You have no rights to be near The village of Outcasts!" The man kept raging.

I sighed. I walked across the village.
what was it's name again? Village of Outcasts? I thought to myself. That is an strange name.. This place resembles Kakariko village alot though..

As I walked past the ruined houses I could feel the hatred in the villagers eyes as they looked at me, well, if what the man said was true, more specifically the Triforce symbol which was needled on the back of my dark green robe. I put the hood of the robe on my head to cover up my shiny triangle earrings and my face. I heard the people talk about me, about the betrayal, which I know is not true. Me, my family or my ancestors could never have done such a thing. And I bet, nobody in Hyrule even knows about the existence of this place.

I came across an small piece of sign. I picked the piece up and read what it said.

"Now leaving: The Village of Outcasts
Straight ahead: The castle of Arlen."

Is that the name of the kingdom I have found myself in?

Well, regardless, I have to get to the castle, I need to get back to home, not that there would be any trouble, but this kingdom does not seem the right one for me.. The people here are unbelievably rude, yuck.

I walked straight forward like the sign had told me to do. My feet hurts. I have been walking in my small boots for too long. I knew I should've had wear my other shoes today.
The weather in Arlen is strange. Dark purple clouds have covered up the even darker purple sky. It was basically dark, but the temperature remained hot. I felt the sweat under my hair at my forehead. The backpack on my back was heavy, and sweaty. Why did I pack so much stuff.. My sword.. Shield.. Harp.. And much more, wasn't I just supposed to meet the priest at the sanctuary? Also, where is the castle supposed to be? I have probably been walking for like an good thirty minutes, and still nothing? This place is huge. Way more bigger than my homeland...

Soon I came across an old lady. She seemed nice. Maybe she knows how far away the castle is.

"Excuse me ma'am. Do you happen to know where the Castle of Arlen is located at?" I asked softly revealing my face from under the robe.

The woman gasped.

"What is wrong?" I panicked.

"Y-you... The T-triforce!"

Here we go again, i thought.

"How dare you to show your face at here! You, who destroyed our happiness!" The woman shouted.

"Please! I swear to my name that I have not took your Triforce!" I tried to calm the woman down.

"Get the monster!"

Now was my turn to gasp. I saw two, guards perhaps, running towards me.

"Stop right there!" The guards dressed in blue shouted.

I tried to run away as i put the hood back on my head but the woman grabbed the valance of my robe, it choked me, and I fell right on my face to the ground. The pain was unbearable. There was an bleeding wound on my cheek. The guards pulled me up and tied my hands to my back. I dare to say that they saw the Triforce on my earrings, robe and maybe even on the back of my hand. They tied my hands up so tightly, that blood would not get through, my hands turned blue.

"As I suspected." I heard the other guard say.

"Indeed." The second guard responded and crossed his arms.

"I think that His Grace will be most pleased." The other guard continued.

They kicked me on the back of my legs.

"Let's go!" They retorded.

I sighed. Today certainly is not my day.

After about another thirty minutes of walking, we came across an huge castle. For the name of Nayru it was worth of the walk to see. White with purple ceiling. Tall towers. Stained glass windows. Huge gardens. It was gorgeous. I daresay it's a match even for Hyrule castle. The castle of Hyrule is beautiful, yes, but this? This is breathtaking.

The guards dragged me over the moat of the castle.

"Walk straight from here to the throne room! And don't even think of escaping! Notice all these guards, who will execute you right away if you even try to leave!" They snapped and pushed me through the huge doors, inside the castle.

Oh I won't.

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