Chapter 12 - magic

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I better keep the sword a secret to everybody, I thought again and again as I walked towards the dining hall where Link was supposed to be.
I opened the huge door and it made a small annoying creaking noise. I stepped in. I saw Link leaning on his hand, hoisting his tea, and Ganondorf explaining something excited to him. I walked to the table and sat next to Link.

"Hey." I snapped smiling.

Link put down his teacup and wiped his mouth to an napkin. "Good afternoon, Zelda. Did you find anything worth mentioning?" He asked smiling right back at me.

I shook my head. Knowing that I should tell them about the sword, I can just hope that they don't find out. "Nothing really." I sighed sounding as disappointed as possible.

Ganondorf was eating all the dainties from the gorgeous porceline plates and listened to our rather simple conversation. "Well, your majesty, you two get along so well. I think that it is no problem if Miss Zelda stays with us, is it? She'll probably face some homesickness, and if she can't tolerate to be in here anymore, I'm sure we'll figure it out then." Ganondorf suggested his mouth full of biscuits.

Link thought for a while and grabbed a biscuit from the plate and then nodded. "I agree."

"Me too." I responded.

"By the way, Zelda, how is your back doing?" Ganondorf changed the topic.

As I heard Ganondorf's words I thought about my back. It didn't hurt when I was focused on something else. But now that I think of it, it hurts more than ever. "It could be better." I shrugged.

A servant rushed into the room and gave me a cup full of hot apricot tea. I nodded as thanks and started to drink it. "Link." I started murmuring under my teacup.

Link looked at me waiting for me to continue.

"...What forces would your Triforce posses, if it would.. Still exist?"

Link looked down at his tea. "Cunning, Tenacity and Hope." He then smiled.

So it is true. Cunning, tenacity and hope. Marvellous. "Y-you're not mad that I asked?"

Link laughed. "Of course not."

Ganondorf followed our conversations and actions closely, I noticed.

"Ganondorf are you taking notes or what are you paying attenttion to?" Link then blurted.

"Ah, it's nothing your highness, I love to see you two getting along so well!" Ganondorf had the biggest smile on his face. "Zelda, I dare to say that you are the first true friend our Prince has."

Link started to hiss at Ganondorf, I giggled as I listened the two argue.


Link opened a small dusty door in front of me. I saw long spiral staircase rising in front of me.

"Zelda, this is a place... I never ever thought I'd go in with someone else than just myself. But I want to show it to you." Link smiled gently.

I'm not sure what to expect, but I guess I have no choice. The stairs felt like they were just looping, they never seemed to end. As my dirty brown boots climbed up the stairs I heard Link right behind me put the key of the door he opened earlier into his pocket.

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