Chapter 2 - young man

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I walked across the red carpet that covered up the cold marble floor.

I made an small sound of pain as I remembered my tied hands, I collected all of my courage and went to one of the guards.

"Sir. Could you remove these wires around my hands? I would not be very happy if my hands would fell off." I asked sounding as calm as I could hoping that he would not kill me on that place.

The guard did not answer. He untied the wires and then pointed at the direction of the throne room.

I shook my hands from relief. I then walked back to the carpet. The bottom of my shoes clatter against the floor. As I made it back to the carpet, I looked around. I do not care about the soldiers who are looking at me. I watched as the gorgeous stained glass windows let light came in. I notice how in every glass window there are many different beautiful colors. I also noticed that the huge pillars in the hall had some kind of carvings in them, I wont go near them though, because there are soldiers between the pillars. I continue to walk across the huge main hall. I see many different doors and wonder, where do they lead to. I climbed five steps to get to the huge doors. Behind the doors would be the throne room.
Two guards open the doors for me. Before I went in, I noticed an different, smaller doorcarpet that had an purple Triforce painted in it. But.. It was upside down? I kept looking it confused until i snapped out of my toughts and walked inside the doors.

Even the throne room was huge. Everything in this castle is, I dare to say. I walked past many soldiers, my hood covering my face, towards two characters.

The character sitting on the throne chair stood up as I reached him.

"And what sort of fiend dares to defile the castle at this manner?" He asked arrogantly holding his hands at his back

Fiend? I should slice his throat right at this place for calling me that.

I tried my best to bow in front of him and hold my anger back, because I suppose this is "his grace" himself.

"Well, fiend, are you going to say anything?" He laughed scornfully.

"The Prince of this kingdom? I suppose." I started.

"Yes, you are quite correct."

I stood up. And looked at the Prince who looked rather impatient.

"What this perisher doing at here?" The Prince continued and looked at the guards.

"He is claimed to have evidence about the destroyed Triforce of ours." One guard answered strictly.

"What?! That is impossible! Young man tell me what are you hiding?!" The Prince lost his nerves quickly.

Young man?

"I have not done anything wrong, I am not hiding anything either." I responded sounding a bit angry.

"Turn around!" The guards shouted.

I did as they told me, and turned around. I removed my backpack from my back revealing the needled Triforce on my robe.

The Prince gasped and so did his servant.

"Y-you.. That c-cant be..?!" The Prince breathed heavily.

"That is the Triforce. Said to be gift from the gods." I stated angrily.

"I know that. How do you know about the Triforce?! I do not recognize you as an resident of my world. Who are you, what are you?!" The Prince raged.

Before I had an opportunity to respond he continued shouting "And that Triforce... It's strange.. Why is it upside down?"

Now i'm really confused.

"Please allow me to try to explain. Will you?"

"Go ahead." The Prince stated.

"I am indeed not from this world, I am from Hyrule. I suppose it is an name you have not heard about. Hyrule is an small peaceful country. The Triforce exists in our world too. That is why I carry the many Triforce symbols around." I started.

"Another Triforce? That is impossible!"

I sighed.

"You have an Triforce existing in this world too?" I asked from the Prince who squeezed the arm of his throne chair.

"We used to have one... My ancestors fought many bloody wars for it because so many wanted it to grant their wishes. And one sorrowful day, someone stole the Triforce of ours and made this land fall into it's... Current condition." The Prince held his tears inside. "It is said that the one who is not a member of the royal family, but dares to carry the Triforce symbol is an ancestor of the stealers."

I did not answer.

"What forces does your 'Triforce' virtue?" He continued unconvincingly.

"Power, Wisdom and Courage." I responded.

"Is that supposed to be an joke?! Well notice, that i'm not laughing! Those kind of forces could only exist on legends! Your lies make it obvious that you are indeed conncected to the Triforce thief!"

I gasped.

The Prince augmented his slick blond hair, straightened the position of his crown and then yelled "Take this fiend out of my sight! Throw him into jail! Kill him!" And pointed at the huge open doors, the same ones I came inside to the throne room.

I gulped as I left walking towards the open doors. I noticed that my earring has fell off my ear. I turned to look backwards for it, and gladly saw it shining on the floor. I turned around, took the hood out of my head revealing my face, grabbed my earring and headed outside. I heard an little surprised sound behind my back. I turned to look and the Prince himself was looking at me straight into my eyes. I did not want to look at him. So I just kept on walking.

I passed the servant of the Prince. He looked at me skeptical the whole time. What was his problem? Everyone in this strange land seems to be against me.

The guards guided me through gardens, to an small entrance to below the surface. I almost fell down the stairs. The soldiers walked fast, I tried my best to keep up with them. They locked me up into an jail. An small and cold jail. With only stone walls surrounding me, the guards left. They did not leave me anything. Why was I thrown into here? What did I do? I sighed deeply.

Today sure was not my day.

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