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I was holding her in my arms. I felt how pure joy filled my heart. Link was standing next to me. He wiped the tears off his and my face.
"She's beautiful." He said. "She looks exactly like you."

I smiled back at him.

We saw the son of the priest walk in. He bowed deeply in front of us. "Your highnesses." He started and walked next to me. "I wanted to come congratulate you both face to face."

I nodded and smiled and Link shook his hand.

"Your royal highness, can you stand or walk?" He then asked me.

I slowly stood up and took a few careful steps. "I think it will be alright." I responded.


I was standing next to Link and watched as he held her in his arms. "I can hardly decide which one of my Princesses is prettier." Link whispered to me smiling. I laughed a bit silently
The doors opened and we stepped in, and as we did a full orchestra started playing the song of my mother. This truly is the most wonderful day of my life. As we reached the altar the son of the priest walked in front of us.

"By the will of the gods, we all have gathered here today. To witness this wonderful miracle, called life." He speaked loudly towards the crowd. "Queen Zelda, King Link, I am truly happy to be given the honour to be here with you." He nodded. Then a silence followed. "In the honour of the tenth year anniversary of the banished evil and restored Triforce, the gods have gave us a rather special gift. A Princess. A Princess gifted with hope, a pure heart and light." He sighed.
"Everybody, greet your new future leader, the first born Pricness of Arlen. Hilda."

Over the generations, I'm sure my name will be forgotten. Nobody will know about the Princess Zelda of Hyrule. The Princess who banished evil. The Princess who is a heroine reborn. But that doesn't really matter for me.
Princess Hilda will be the one whose story will be told even after ten generations. That, I am sure of.
She is my daughter, and she deserves it all.

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