Chapter 9 - Fiend

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I woke up from a blue soft carpet under me. I-i'm not outside? I rised my head up a bit to see where I actually am. I looked around. I saw many pieces of glass lying in the floor. Ripped carpet under me. Filthy floors. Everything was in ruin. The painting I remember we moved from the wall was in the same position as it was when I left. T-the sanctuary?

I stood up. "Hello?" I asked nervously. "Is anyone here?"

I heard whispering behind one of the tall pillars that held the sanctuary's roof on place. I walked closer to it.

"Zelda?!" A character jumped towards me. I didn't see who it is since it all happened so quickly. But he managed to throw me down to the floor.

"Ack?!" I shouted.

It's the priest. "Oh.. Sweet Zelda.. I just knew.. You'd come back someday.." He smiled creepily.

"W-what has happened in here?" I asked.

"Oh." The priest laughed. "The residents of sade village attacked the sanctuary. They.. Have a long past with attacking things."

I don't get it. Why is he laughing? Has he completely lost his mind? What is going on?
I cleared my throat. "I see. I came back to here.. For a reason.. The first time I visited here, I got bitten by a dark palace soldier. The witch of Hyrule sent me back here to find a fungus called Stonewall Leptonia. You wouldn't happen to know where I might find particular mushroom?" I asked my hopes high.

"Aha! I do have it. In Arlen, we drink our mushrooms as tea! And, for your luck, I always carry some with me! Here you go!" The priest presented proudly.

He went to a small backroom of the sanctuary and handed me a cup where he dropped the fungus powder.

"Thank you." I whispered as I stared the clay mug in my hands. I slowly drank it. It tasted kinda like honey. It wasn't far as bad as I thought.

The priest still smiled in his own creepy way. "You're welcome."

After I had drank the tea I left the mug to the backroom and walked back to the altar where the priest stood.

"I guess I'll be going now. I promised to not stay for long."

"Uh?" The priest sounded surprised. "I don't think that's possible."

"Wha-?" I turned around to look at the wall I came in from. The portal is gone. "N-no! It can't be!" I gasped and ran to the wall to examine it. "I came from here! I know I did!"

The priest looked thoughtful. "You did indeed. What in the world has happened.. We heard nothing either.."

I fell onto my knees to the floor. "This can't be it.."

"Now, now Zelda. Calm down. I propose the idea that you'll go to the castle to see the Prince and ask him."

The Prince, Link. I had already forgot about him.

I stood up and looked at the priest emotionless. "Very well."


"You can lend my horse." The priest said and gave the belts of the horse to me.

I bowed and hopped on to the back of the horse. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome! I hope to see you soon again!" He laughed.

I nodded and left.

I reached the castle hours later. I stopped the horse at the gates of the castle and stepped down from it. I put on my hood so the shadows of it covered up my face. I went straight to the front doors. Two soldiers were standing in front of it, other holding his hand against me.

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