Chapter 11 - the blade of the evils bane

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I sighed. I've been taking small steps with my hurting body for quite a while now and I still haven't ran to anyone. I'm starting to lose hope, like the other four, these three are probably dead too. I wasn't able to see the purple sky through the dense trees. The only thing leading me was the brownish grass and the thin path.

I stopped. The path ended. I only saw a huge tree trunk. Should I go investigate what's at the end of it? I shrugged.
Sure, what's the worst that can happen?

After I got out from the trunk, the air turned foggy and dark. Skulls covered up in moss lied around the forest.

"Greetings, welcome to the lost part of Kretalst woods!" I heard an oddly high pitched voice say. Then I heard giggling.
I tried to look around for the noise maker.

"These woods will trick you into going back the way you came! Hee hee hee!" Another high pitched voice laughed somewhere near me.

A green fairy looking creature flied near to my face. I blinked my eyes and tried not to be blinded by it's shining light green light. "But all hope is not lost! If you can follow me, then you can walk a little deeper into the woods, and you might even find that what you're looking for!"

I took a step back. I looked around, I was surrounded by three tree trunks, I have no idea where they lead to, and eight light green fairy looking creatures that started to spin around in circles.

"Watch carefully!" One of them shouted while spinning wildly around. I tried my best to keep an eye on the one that had told me to do so. It went left. So, I walked after it through the trunk located on left.

I saw the eight fairies including the one that I followed in front of me. "Oh, well done." The light green fairy spat.

"That was fun! But now we're going to mislead you! We two are going to bounce around!" Two others laughed. "Hree hee hee! Think you can get it right?"

Bring it on. I watched eyes locked on the two fairies who were going to mislead me. They went down and left. So I walked after the two that went up, turned out I was right once more, hah. Told you.

The eight spirits that were waiting for me sounded rather unamused. "Hmph. Very well done. I guess it's time to really still you!"

I sighed.

"Three of us will bounce around, don't follow us!" One of them snapped and sounded like if it would have eyes and other face features it would probably wink an eye for me and have the meanest smile on it's face.

I tried to watch carefully their actions and where they would go. I think I got it. I followed two of them to right.

"Welcome to the lost part of Kretalst woods!" I heard the same annoying  high pitched voice laugh at me.
I recognize this place. It is the same one as it was when I entered the woods.. But how? I was so sure about my choice.

I swallowed my pride and went through that all again. And again. And again. I made the same mistake everytime I got to the third area where the three fairies mislead me. Now it's my fourth time here.. I locked my eyes to the three fairies who were trying to mislead me. I saw one go left, one right, and one up. But.. Those are the only ways to go.. Then I looked back. The trunk that I had came into here. Could it be? Do I dare to try?
My mother used to always tell me if you want it, go for it. Take a risk. Don't always play it safe or you'll die wondering. I think that's the greatest advice anyone has ever told me. I nodded, even though, nobody could see me do it. So, I walked back to where I came from. I didn't hear the annoying laughing fairy this time. The fog just got thicker. I tried to flail the fog away from me so I could see a bit further than just my legs. I saw another trunk in front of me now. Or a trunk I believe it is. I stepped in.
Moments later, I saw the already tall trees grow even higher. The fog cleared out a bit. I saw many small animals in front of me. Squirrels, birds, rabbits.. I knelt down to pet one of the rabbits that came near me.

"Looks like all of this forest isn't dead." I giggled as the brownish rabbit sniffed my hand.
I stood up. I followed a path that appeared in front of me when I got out from the tree tunnel.

I saw ruins of a small stone chamber in front of me, I went closer to have a better look at it. I saw the Arlenian Triforce carved into the highest remaining piece of the ceiling. Along the walls, three different kinds of texts were written.

"Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." I read the words from the very first remaining wall under the Triforce. "The best protection anyone can have is tenacity." Said the following wall. "Be not caught by the cunning of those who appear in disguise." The last remaining wall said. I though of the meaning of these words. I sighed and went behind the remaining walls leaning on them to see if anything was there.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a beam of light peep through the dense trees down to a pedestal where a shiny silver sword stood tall at. I walked few steps closer to see if what I'm seeing is actually true. To the pedestal the Triforce was carved, of course and underneath it, it said the following "open your eyes."

I went right in front of the sword and grabbed it. As I held the sword tightly on my sweaty hands, wondering if I should try to pull it up, I felt how my necklace was ripped from my neck. I couldn't try to grab it back. My hands were like glued to the sword. I just watched in horror and in amazement as the necklace that my mother gave to me, flew into the sky above me. The necklace was green, and it had the symbol of courage in it. I had cherised it since the day my mother gave it to me. I tried to close my eyes and possibly try to wake up. Please don't let this be real. What is happening?

"Open your eyes." I heard an telepatchic voice say suddenly. "O' courageous soul.. The sword you're about to pull up, is none less than the blade of the evils bane.. Only the true spirit of a heroine could pull it up and seal the cunning man away into the walls for a lifetime..."

I opened my eyes and looked around me. My necklace was gone. My hands were still stuck on the sword. I looked at it. I looked at the nature at it's finest around me. I took a deep breath, and pulled the sword out with all my might. I straightened my back not caring about the pain that it costed, and held the sword up high.

The sword bathed in the light of the sun while I held it. Then I lowered ny hand and put it into the case that I held on my back behind my shield. I took out my old sword and sticked it into the cold ground.

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