Chapter 20 - a love returned in full

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"I now pronounce you a loving, caring couple in love as husband and wife." The priest started. "You may, once again, kiss your bride." He then said to Link.

And before I even realized he grabbed my arms and gently pulled me closer. I now can admit that even if we have kissed many, many times before, this one felt heavenly. I was so fascinated by the shape of his lips and how they fit so perfectly with the shape of mine. All of the guests were clapping and cheering, some were crying. Including Ganondorf who had a notable pile of tissues next to him.
Link and I then slowly walked down the aisle towards the next huge palace like room where the reception is being held.

We sat at the table that was reserved for just the two of us close to the gable wall of the room. We waited and watched as the guests stormed through the doors to get seats as close as possible to the food tables.

After the guests had arrived the two of us stood up once again and went to get food and such. "I didn't even know we were supposed to have all these kinds of food." Link laughed.

"Me neither. I told the cooks to make alot.. But.. You could feed both Hyrule's and Arlen's populaion for seven weeks with these." I responded also laughing.

We both ate almost three full plates of all the foods that we didn't expect to have. The guests seemed to enjoy the foods though. Which was the main goal actually.
It was finally the time for the desserts and the wedding cake. The cake was probably our favourite part of all the foods.
Link and I held the sharp knife together ready to cut the beautiful cake. It had three layers and it was covered in white sugarmass. It was full of beautiful little ornaments and on the top of it there was two Triforces. The Hyrulian one and the Arlenian one and in front of them were the letters Z and L.

"This is stunning." I smiled.

"I knew you would like it." Link winked at me.

We pressed the knife into the cake and cut a piece of it so we could share it and eat it from the same plate.
The next moments everybody were silent. Everyone was too busy eating. I can't blame them, everything tasted so delicious.

After a while Link stood up and cleared his throat to get everybody's attenttion. "Ahem. I suppose that it is time for me to give a little speech.. So at first, me, and my beautiful wife would like to thank you all for coming today, we both have been very nervous about today and it means a great deal to us that you are sharing our day with us, and we hope that you are enjoying the occasion every bit as much as we are. Now, do not be surprised when I say this, but all of my following words i would want to delicate to my best friend and now wife, Zelda." He looked at me and smiled.

I already know how the start of the speech goes since I was an idiot and went to lurk on Link's notes, but I do not want to miss any single words of it anyway. Take it away. I smiled back at him.

"I am so blessed and lucky, to have found myself such a wonderful, beautiful and wise lady. I have been looking for redamancy, and she is the key. She has given me all that I have ever wished for. Hope, love and trust. And to those, who do not know what redamancy means, a love returned in full, the act of loving the one who loves you.
She is my favourite thing to see first at the morning, my favourite pair of eyes to look into and my favourite way to spend an afternoon. We could be in a room full of people and my eyes would always meet hers, just to find that she had already been looking. And, when she walks into a room, it's like all my worries and fears go away. Because she is there. And I know that if it means saving Link, she would throw herself headfirst into any danger, without even a moment's doubt. I have called her a fiend, I have threw her into jail, I have sent her alone to participate dangerous tasks, I have almost got her killed twice, but still, she stays with me, she loves me and she cares. She has taught to me how to stay strong, how to pick myself up when I am at my lowest, how to fight and most importantly, love. I am a coward at heart, yet she still is not ashamed to look at me. I can't say it enough, Zelda.. Thank you."

I tried to hold in my tears. I held my hand over my mouth and looked at Link. He snatched me up from the chair and held me into his arms and then passionately kissed me. Every single people, sitting on the tables stood up and clapped, cried and cheered. Ganondorf had hired a painter who painted this scenery of our wedding as well as the ceremony, even he was crying.

"You're my favourite too." I whispered to Link.

The rest of the night was just spent drinking, dancing and having a good time. It was four a.m. when me and Link made it back into our room. I tumbled to our bed and Link sat down on the red armchair.

"What a day." He blurted.

"For the love of the gods, you don't even have it as bad as I do. I have been wearing heels for 16 hours straight." I mumbled my face buried into the sheets.

Link laughed exhausted. "Maybe we should skip the following day completely."

I stood up to sit at the edge of the bed. "Good idea." I then walked over to the closet and threw my heels into there with all my power. "I never want to see those again."

"Calm down. You almost threw them through the wall." Link calmed me down. "That noise probably woke the whole castle up." He then laughed.

I tried to unzip my dress but with my short hands that isn't possible. I struggled and struggled until I gave up.
"Hey, uh, can you help me out?"

"Sure thing, Princess." Link responded and helped me out of my dress.

"I feel... Relieved." I sighed and changed my clothes to normal pajamas, then I went under the blankets.

Link lied down next to me. "Hey, Zelda.."


"How about a kiss, for luck?"

"You've got to be kidding."

I sighed again and then leaned towards Link and pressed my lips against his. I aimed for just a quick 'kiss for luck', but it somehow eneded up continuing for atleast an hour.
I don't blame Link for not letting me go, though.

"But Kat, Zelda and Link would never kiss or do things like this, why would write this, its sick"
Yeah yeah, i know this chapter has some, uh, 'adult stuff', i wrote this chapter because this is my story and this is what i planned to write from the very beginning,
if you dont like my writing style, or the story, you can simply stop reading.

Also, i've been nomimated(?) to do alot of challenges such as facts about me, or Q&A or show my ugly face, i might do those at the end of this book, i dunno yet. If thats what you guys want to see i'll do some of them.

I'll be busy the following weeks so i might not update as much, but i have some chapters ready to published so i wont go full silent mode. Love you all. Im out.

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