Chapter 13 - The Princess and her hero

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That night I was standing in front of the window in my room watching outside. First some wind, then some rain, then the lighting striked the plain. I thinked about everything that had happened in the recent days. I sighed and walked over to 'my' dresser. I opened it and saw a light purple nightwear that Ganondorf had asked the servants of the castle to made me after the black character appeared on me and damaged my back. As I changed to it I realized it was a one piece. It looked a little like a dress of some sort. Yuck. Oh well. I walked over to the huge bed and tucked myself under the warm blanket.

I stared at the ceiling for a while and then fell asleep.
I slept like a log for hours. Until I heard an gentle knocking on my door. I got up and rubbed my eyes. Who on earth could be knocking at other peoples doors at this time. I wondered as I dragged myself to the door and opened it.

It was Link. "Good evening, or should I night, Zelda." He smiled like he had been woke for hours and was as cheery as a person could be.

"Uhm." I started. "Is it something important?" I muttered and tried to look as lively as I could at this time of the night.

"Nothing really. I just couldn't sleep and came to see if you had the same problem, I think that thought has been proven to be wrong." He laughed.

Why would you come to see somebody at midnight if you can't sleep. Hello? Don't you have brains, Link? "Well... If you would please, could you let me get some sleep? I'm not looking the best and I'm really tired.." I continued murmuring sleepy.

"You didn't tell me about your magic ability. Why is that?" He asked seriously looking me straight into my tired eyes.

I shrugged. "It isn't anything that big. I can only do small things."

"But you saved the main hall of my castle today! Without you, the floors would be flooded." Link thanked. "By the way, what did you say? That you don't look your great?" He asked confused. "You always look great, Zelda." He then smiled.

I stared at him like I've never seen a human before. "E-excuse me?" I could get the words out.

"You're beautiful, Zelda. The most beautiful person I've ever seen in my life. Actually, funny story here, when we first met, I didn't know that under that dark green hood would seek the most stunning person I know. I didn't know you were a woman. It was a full surprise to me." He laughed. "When I saw your sky blue eyes, rosy cheeks and your wavy golden hair.. I realized that I had just made the biggest mistake of my life. So. I thought and thought. I didn't tell about my plans to anybody, i wanted it to be a secret."

I stared at him silently.

So, after my thinking progress, I told the chancellor, Ganondorf to go and bring you in front of me so I could ask for your help." Link shrugged.

"Oh." I said. "Well thank you for getting me out of that jail." I tried to laugh but I was too tired to do so.

"You know Zelda." Link then started. He looked at his trembling sweaty hands. "There's something else I have been meaning to tell you..." He fell silent.

I was confused. "What is it?"

"I... From the very first day... That we met, I had the feeling that you were different. You weren't like everybody else. You brought the missing light of my kingdom back to me.." He said fast. "Over time, even while you were gone, I grew my feelings toward you. And... I think I do love you.." He fell silent again.

I looked at him. I felt how my heart pounded faster than it ever had.

"I don't know if you think I'm sick for saying this.. I don't know if you could ever like a terrible person lik-" He started. I ran to him and we both fell down to the huge bed.

"Quiet." I smiled. I felt more awake than ever. I looked at his deep blue eyes and he looked at mine. "Why?" I whispered. "Why me?"

"I fell in love with your courage, your sincerity and your flaming self respect." He whispered right back at me. I was now lying next to him. My heart sank into my feet as I realized how much I want him. No matter what his past was. No matter what the kingdom he calls home is like. Everyone else seems so pale beside him.

"I love you too." I said looking at the ceiling. He smirked.

I woke up the next morning when the beams of the morning sun touched my face. I slowly opened my eyes. I heard a little snore next to me. Leaning close I listened to his heart beat and watched his chest rise and fall. I silently hymned the song my mother called her lullaby. It brings back so many memories. I sighed.

The snoring stopped. "You have a beautiful voice."

"Oh be quiet." I laughed.

"What is that theme?" He continued asking.

"Zelda's lullaby." I said. "My mother taught it to me. She used to always sing it to me when I was younger."

"Your mother must be worried about where are you right now, no?"

"I don't think so, she has been a piece of heaven for over ten years now." I sighed.

Link fell silent. "I.. I'm sorry about your loss." He sighed. "My parents haven't been around for six years now either. They were executed when I was 12. I alone with Ganondorf have been in the charge of the kingdom ever since."

I wrapped my arms around Link. "I'm so sorry."

"Atleast I have you now." He smiled and pressed a soft kiss into my forehead.

We were quiet for a while after that conversation. We just stared at the plain white ceiling, both thinking about different things. But after sometime Link broke the silence. "Zelda."


"When we met... I got a strange feeling... A feeling that I had met you before.. In a another life." He said thoughtfully.

I didn't say anything. I was surprised.

"But things weren't like they are now."

Surprised, because I had have the same exact thought.

"You were the Princess. And I was your hero."

1.30 am update, i took the time off from my busy schedule to write this at the middle of the night. Yall better show it some love. (Jk i love you all so much thank you so much for reading my story.) i'll probably publish a new chapter tomorrow or monday. Good night Hylians!

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