Chapter 24 - the picture of perfection

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We both turned to look at the direction of the laugh as horror took over us. Ganondorf was just standing there and smiling evily while he held the Triforce of Cunning above his hand.

"Ch-chancellor Ganondorf..?" Link asked confused and by the tune of his voice, a bit scared.

"The beauty of this golden triangle in my hand is astounding.. But it pales in comparison to my next artful creation.." He took a break from speaking, inhaled and exhaled slowly. "Me."

"G-Ganondorf...!" I tried to yell at him.

"I will use this piece.. Wisely, to reach the form which will help me attain true beauty!" He laughed without letting us intervene. "Join with me! Let us destroy all ugliness in this world or any other. We shall be truly superior!" He threw the piece into air and before our eyes it merged into his chest creating a light barrier around him.

We both crawled towards the wall and stood up carefully. "Link, please stay behind my back." I snapped and looked at him over my shoulder.
He nodded uncertainly in response.

As the barrier around Ganondorf faded away, it revealed a different man with it.
Long red hair tied back to a ponytail, much thinner body build, blue earrings hanging from his pointy ears, no beard or moustache, a wide purple cape around his neck and body tight suit on him he stepped foward.
"Such beauty! Such a pure form! Such an exquisite physique! Such stunning features!" He presented stretching his arms to different poses like he was in a beauty pageant.

And of course Link could not keep his mouth shut. He just had to yell at the chancellor. "Ganondorf! What sort of fiend are you supposed to be! What the hell do you think you are doing?! Quit playing around at this instant!"

Ganondorf raised his left eyebrow and laughed. He raised his hand towards us and swung it to left and at that moment Link flew towards the wall hitting it. "A fiend? How easily you stoop to petty insults." He kept laughing as I gasped and tried to go help Link.

"My name is Ganon..." He kept a five second gap and then continued his nonsense. "In truth, I very much prefer to be indulged with my full title - Lord Ganon. But I'm not fussy."

After I got Link up from the ground I took a few steps closer to Ganon. "Confess it, monster! You are the killer who has been haunting me, you are the one who has been killing the people of this land, you are the one who turns people into paintings so you can hang them on your wall and you knew damn well what kind of power that wand of yours possess, you have owned it long before you presented it to us!" I growled in front of him.

"I find your protests inelegant. Not to mention irrelevant." He responded to me with a smirk on his face.

"Your rampage through my kingdom must stop, Ganon! How many of my people have you took already, and how many do you intend to take?" Link walked next to me and shouted.

"Oh? What do we have in here? Another worm comes wriggiling in?" Ganon giggled.

"What did you just call me?" Link walked even closer to him.

"If you wish to tangle with me, come on then, wriggle wriggle little worm!"

Link ran towards him but as he got close, Ganon merged into the wall and Link hit the wall once again. "Ha! You think you can challenge me? Why, I am the portrait of perfection!" I could hear his laugh even while he was a painting. He got out of the wall and kicked Link. "You know worm, the very sight of you offends my eyes, but I did not answer your question, now did I?" He laughed and hymned. "You see, this castle has four art galleries, and every single painting that is hanging on the walls of the galleries, were long ago, people. I have made so many, beautiful masterpieces. People just tend to look even lovelier as paintings, plus, I get to hang all of those gorgeous pieces upon the walls and let them take my breath away every time I look at them.. But you know what? My little acquisition tour, of over thirty years, is nearly over. It really was quite a spree, I've acomplished alot of things! Ended four of the guardian spirits' lives, the priest offened my eyes as well.. Not to mention the bodyguard of Zelda. Yuck. But I am glad that this little dark world of yours has offered me beauty too! And soon I shall take the most precious thing in your life!"

"B-but... My... Mothers.. And fathers... Paintings are on the walls.." Link cried from the floor.

"Ah, that is true, worm. What beautiful additions they were for my collection!" Ganon rejoiced.

"That's impossible! They were executed!" Link shouted and stood up once more.

"Has nobody ever told you the truth? Oh poor you. How adorable you were as a child. You loved your parents very deeply. It is a shame that you do not possess the same gorgeous features as your parents did.. They were not executed! Yes, I killed them first.. And then I turned them into paintings, so I could enjoy their fine features for a lifetime!" Ganon kept laughing insanely.

Tears fell down Link's face. "You.. Monster.."

Ganon turned to face my direction now. He smiled and walked over to me. "Not to mention, Zelda, my dear, your father is a piece of my collection too. Ah, what a fine fellow he was!"

I did not say anything. I was too mad at this point.

"And speaking of you, my sweet, deluded Zelda.. I have been seeking nothing less than a perfect little piece of a Princess herself to add into my collection. And you, my dear, are perfection. How can you stand being so lovely, surrounded by these filthy fools?" He asked and gently petted my hair.

I slapped his hand away angrily. "You tell me."

"Never you mind. For I have one last painting to make. So please, rid your mind of all concern. I don't want your portrait to feature any unsightly worry lines."

"You wouldn't dare!" I growled.

"Oh, yes! You are going to make for a spectacular painting, my dear!" He cackled. He was not even listening to me. "I wish to preserve you at your very best."

"Listen up here fool, I'm not having any of this, if you wish to turn me into a painting, then go ahead! I know I look beautiful. but you do not. Know that your current form, and the previous one, as well as the painting one, disgusts me, the world surely has seen better works of art. I'd possibly make for a great oil painting, while you? You are roughly a coal sketch." I snapped and flipped my hair.

Ganon's eyes were twitching.
But then he quickly shook his head. And started to laugh.
"I wish only to possess your beauty, Princess Zelda of Hyrule, not all these ugly words of yours!"

I stood in front of Ganon without saying a word, hands on my hips I waited for his next act.

"Ah, what golden hair you have..." He finally started after a moment of silence. "Such bright looks are normally far too sunny for my tastes. But for you, I'll make an exception." He laughed like he was a little girl who had just got the doll she wanted for her birthday.
He swung his wand and before I knew it, an extremely painful force created a barrier around me and threw me into golden frames with mighty force.
And there I was. A perfect little oil painting for Ganon's collection, ready to be placed upon a wall - perfect forever.

"Dare I say, she's my best work ever!"

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