Bonus = useless talk + randomness

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It's over.
It's finally over.

I'm so happy and a bit sad at the same time. This story has been so much fun to write(and also stressful.), I posted the first part 29th of september 2016 and now we are already at 24th of January 2017. Crazy how time flies when you are having fun.
I'd just like to say a huge thank you to those who have been reading this story from the beginning, and a thanks of course to everybody who even have read the first chapter. It really means alot to me.

I had been wanting to write a story like this ever since I read "A pirate's life for me" by the wonderful sheikahzen.
The basic idea was to have Zelda as the main protagonist and a heroine.. And well, yeah, that was it, from that I basically started to build up the story.

I really enjoyed writing the story in Zelda's point of the view all the time(..firstperson?). I might write in the same style again in the future.

I love Yuga, from ALBW, (and Ghirahim too)and I love the whole game itself so much, that I got inspired to write a similiar story, paintings in huge role, two kingdoms, two Triforces, the villain is obsessed with himself, betrayal, y'all know how it goes.
How did I came up with the(terrible) name, Arlen, you may ask.
I once had a town in animal crossing called Arlen that my sister had made, I liked the name, so I got stuck with it, the name at first was supposed to be just Lorule, or dark world, but I didn't want to copy everything straight from the games.

I played A Link between worlds over and over and over again for like six times just for this story. I also played SS, so I cried for this damn story, A Link to the past, the wind Waker and a bit of Majora's mask. Now, before y'all say anything, yes, I know I could've just look up the parts and lines I needed from the internet, but that is not fun. You need to experience Zelda games yourself.

Yes, I'm aware that my language is not perfect. I know that my chapters contain some errors, that I either dont know about, or have been too lazy to correct.

I have been planning some new story ideas and I am currently working with a very talented artist, whose artwork you'll see in the future ;)


original ideas

- the Arlenian Triforce was supposed to be in the woods with three "random" spirits reborn, rather than the LZG trio.
- Zelda was supposed to fall in love with Link already at chapter 6.
- After Zelda fainted to the floor and hit her head in chapter 5(?), Link and Ganondorf were supposed to betray her, and take her Triforce and use it to kill Zelda and restore their kingdom.
- There was supposed to be a same type of scene when Zelda was in Hyrule, with Impa and Zelda at the end of SS and also a similiar scene to the saddest cutscene of all, Zelda saying her goodbye to Link in the past as she enters her sleep without end.
Will you come wake me up?
*cries alone in the corner*
- Link, Zelda and Ganondorf were not supposed to find the portal back to Hyrule from the sanctuary.
- But then I decided that the portal was going to be found but Link was going to go to Hyrule with Zelda and after the Hylians found out who Link was they were going to throw him to jail. Poor Link.
- The mastersword was originally going to be found from Hyrule.
- Zelda and Link were supposed to get married already in chapter 8.
- Ganondorf would've got so mad to Link for marrying Zelda, because he loved her(plot twist), that he was going to turn him into a painting.
- Zelda was going to get attacked once again in chapter 12 by the castle soldiers, but I decided that the same scenes would just repeat each others again and again, so I left it out.


Chapter 1 - "I think that his Grace will be most pleased." Yuga, albw, after turning Seres to a painting.(*her instead of his)

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