Chapter 16 - her person

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I spent another two weeks with Link thinking about this whole marriage thing.
And finally, today is the ceremony. I will decide if I'll marry Link or if I'd say no, and go live alone in the woods or something. I smiled. I'm pretty sure about my decision. I was sitting on a small chair and watching my reflection from the mirror. A servant was putting pins to my hair. I was supposed to wear it on a chignon. I prefer it more open but whatever.

"I do appreciate your help but I really could've done this myself." I said gently to the servant that was behind my back.

"I'm just doing what the Prince told me to. No questions asked." She responded emotionless. "It is done now. You may take a look."

I sighed. I stood up and turned around and checked my hair. It didn't look bad actually. It went well with my dress. I thanked the servant and left the room. I was walking down the stairs that lead to the main hall and then to the throne room. I was told to wait for some guards outside the throne room, so I did. After the guards joined me I watched as the huge doors in front of me opened. I stepped in the two guards following right behind me. I walked along a tall red carpet in the middle of the huge crowd. I saw Link and Ganondorf at the top spot in front of me smiling both dressed in their best clothes. I smiled gently as I walked to Link. I was now standing by his side. The whole room fell silent.

Ganondorf coughed. "Our fellow Arlenians! Welcome to follow this precious ceremony that might unite two people! We are glad that you all are here today!" He shouted as he tried to cover up his excitement. "Zelda. I will now ask you the question." Ganondorf stated ceremoniously. I saw a short man walk in front of me holding a red pillow where a gorgeous engagement ring was lying. "Will you accept this ring and choose to rule this land with the current Prince of ours, Link?"

I was a silent for a split second. "Yes. I accept the ring. I choose him. He is my person." I responded as joy filled my heart.

Link turned to face me and took the ring from the pillow and put it to my finger. He smiled and tilted his head a bit to give me a sign to what to do next. I moved a couple steps and knelt down. As I held my hand on my chest and looked down at the red carpet I felt how Link or perhaps someone else, lowered their hands onto the level of my hair to put down a golden crown, similiar to how Link's crown looked like. The diamond on the middle of my crown was a ruby though, not a emerald, like it is in Link's. I saw it on the room on that day when Link gave me the walking wand and the bracelet. I stood up slowly.

Link grabbed my hand. "Everybody, please welcome the new Arlenian ruler, Princess Zelda."

Princess. Princess. The word tasted weird in my mouth. I am not used to say that. But.. I'm a princess now, who would've guessed?

The whole room filled with servants, guards and some residents from the villagers was cheering. First Ganondorf smiled but after some minutes he cleared his throat and coughed a couple times to calm the room down. "Now! Moving on, your majesty, Link, why did you choose to be with miss Zelda?" Ganondorf read from a old looking scroll.

"Because I know she'll take my hollow heart and fill it with galaxies. And every heartbeat will pump stars and comets into my veins. And when she's done, I'll have a universe inside of me." Link smiled as he held my hand.

"And what about you, miss Zelda?"

Those were the most beautiful words anybody has ever said to me. I haven't tought about what I'd say. I haven't prepared to this. I guess I have to try to be poetic. I cleared my throat gently.
"I have seen him at his best, and his worst. I cannot decide which I love more, his pure happiness or raw emotion. But I love him. All of him. Every single side and bit." I laughed silently and turned to look at the people. "I love the sky above his head, the floor he walks on. I love the words he spills over morning tea, the whispers he mumbles in sleep. I love the tears he blinks away, the red in his cheeks. There is not a part of him I can't accept. There is not a part of him I can't love."

The room was silent and everybody looked at me. Link was looking at me too, I know it. But I just kept looking forward to the crowd. I was confident about my words.
Ganondorf wiped a tear off his face and tried to held them back. "W-well." He mumbled. "Th-that was beautiful, miss Zelda. Lastly, onto the promises. Your majesty Link, can start."

Link was happy. I sensed it. "I promise, that after I will become a married man, I'll become a more helpful leader. I will send much help to the villages if it's needed, I will also begin to send every village food monthly so nobody has to suffered from hunger." He said confidently. We heard someone cheer to his words from the crowd.

"What about you Zelda?"

I inhaled and the exhaled slowly. I had been thinking about this for the past several weeks. I still can't believe I'm going to say this. Am I really ready to leave it all behind, for this?
"I promise.. That if nothing else can save this forbidden land.. I am willing to give the Hyrulian Triforce to help. I will decide for it myself after I get married."

Ganondorf dropped the scroll he was reading from down to the floor. Link fell to his knees. The whole room stopped. And everything seemed to go forward in slow motion.

"Zelda.." I heard Link cry. "I love you so much."

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