Chapter 22 - Theories

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I waited until Ganondorf was away from me and Link had gone into his office. Then I went to get the sword I found from the forest, from our room and then I walked back to the pillars that were in the main hall. I started to examine them, I had been curious about their carvings ever since I first stepped inside this castle.
They seemed to tell an interesting story. A woman was seen to hold her hand up in the air and a Triforce mark was seen glowing. It was not the full three pieces though, only one, the bottom one. Behind her stood two men. One much bigger than the woman and one about the same size as her. The men also had their hands up and a Triforce mark was seen glowing on them. The next pillar the Triforce was seen combined and light shined down to the surface. The third pillar showed the woman being praised and people were bowing in front of her.

"Interesting." I said to myself knowing that the guards in the hall could hear me. I have an theory of some kind about all this but it's no big deal. I sighed and left the hallway. I went to Link's office.

"Hello, Zelda." Link mumbled behind his books and notes.

"Hi." I responded and sat down to a chair.

"I'm having a meeting with the castle officers very soon, so would you do me a favor, and go keep order in the throne room, or anything really, where you are not in our way.." Link raised his head and looked at me.

"...I'm in your way?" I then stood up and asked angrily.

"No, Zelda, of course not. I did not mean it like that. You can stay in here if you want. I just said that so you can leave at time before the men get in." Link responded.

"Oh." I snapped back at him. "But.. I wanted to talk to you about something.." I said and sighed.

"We can talk about it later, okay?"

I sighed again. "Okay."

Then we heard a knock on the doors and then a bunch of men stepped in. "Sorry to intervene if you two were in the middle of argument." One of the men said. "But we are here with more important business. Prince Link, we assume?"

Link nodded.

"And who might you be, young lady? If you have nothing better to do, could you atleast get out of our very sight?" The same man continued nagging.

"Zelda. Princess Zelda of Arlen." I walked right in front of them and pulled out the sword behind my back from its case. "Who might you be?" I growled and held the sword almost glued into the officers throat while he looked terrifyed and the other officers watched in horror and sweated.

Link ran to me and dragged me away from the man. "I-I'm sorry officers. This is my wife, Zelda. Just take seats I will be right back." Then he dragged me again, this time outside of the office. "Zelda, please, do not raise up swords at my guests." He started to laugh.

"Well excuse me Prince." I snapped.

"It's okay, it's okay. I don't know how long the meeting will be, but I'll end it as soon as possible, see you then." He then smiled and hugged me gently.

I then went to the library and read some old tales and other myths to get support for my theory.
After reading for almost five hours it all became clear to me. I don't know how, but all that I expected and theorized were incredible as it sounds, may be true. I closed the books and ran to the second highest floor of the castle where there was two huge openings outside, other path lead to Link's office and other to Arlen's sacred realm.
As I walked along the high outside path towards the sacred realm, I couldn't be happier.
I had arrived to my destination. I felt how the extremely powerful wind ran through my hair and how the dark purple sky just added more shadows to the ground that was already filled with them. A sad slate was standing at the end of the path.
I discovered a strange crack at the grim slate. Light blazed from the crack. It was not like the portals that connected these worlds. I could not fit through that, not matter what. But I know what can. And I know the exact reason why this crack is in here. I knew exactly that I was not going to give the Hyrulian Triforce to Arlen. It was going home, home where it's supposed to be, the way it's supposed to be

"Mother, Impa, the king, all of Hyrule, I cannot tell you how sorry I am for disappearing like this, and with the Triforce too. But know that, I am okay, and all of you will be too very soon. You will get your Triforce back. Entrust it to someone who is ready to take my place. The Triforce will shine light upon all of Hyrule once again, for a long time. May we all meet again in another life.." I held my hands at my heart.
Then I quickly raised my left hand up. "Gods of the Triforce! Hear my wish! Return the Triforce safely to the land of Hylia and protect it with all of your might!"
Then I lowered my hand and sighed, I watched as three golden triangle pieces resonated next to each others and finally sticked together, making the Triforce full. Then it floated for a moment until it slipped through the crack, all the way back to Hyrule. I feel so weak without the Triforce. It's like I just lost a big part of me. But that was not the reason I was wise, courageous and powerful. Keep on dreaming. I can be what ever I want with, or without the Triforce.

I walked to our bedroom and sat on the bed. Link had also arrived back from the meeting.
"Well, how was your meeting?" I asked pretending to be curious even though in reality I could not care less.

"It was okay, the officers weren't difficult to deal with at all. Maybe they feared that you'd strike again." He laughed. "By the way, where were you for all this time? It's almost 2am, Zelda!"

"At the library."

"Oh. Must've been one interesting book if you read it for over five hours."

"You could say that." I shrugged and walked over to a red armchair and threw my clothes into there. I was too lazy to put them neatly into the closet. Then I changed into my nightwear and went back to the bed. Link did the same.

"What did you want to talk about earlier today?" He whispered.

"It was nothing.." I responded.

Then a short silence followed.

"Dear, do you know, you are so much more calm and mesmerizing during the night." He quietly said behind my back.

"Everyone has a 2 a.m. and a 2 p.m. personality." I whispered.

He sighed and laughed a bit silently. He slowly lifted my night tunic revealing my waist.

My hands trembled, and my entire body froze as he wrapped his arms around my cold waist. He knew that I would be safe in his arms and I knew that he loved me too much to let me fall. Time passed quick, and the morning came around much faster than it should have. I did not want to let go, he had made me full again. Before, I was like an shattered mirror, broken and useless. He saw the beauty still left in me, and patiently glued me back together. He led me to somewhere I can feel warm again, and he set me free to reflect the beauty in the sunrise.

As I got up from the huge bed, I walked over to the armchair where I had left my clothes. I dressed myself up quickly. I had started to love the blue dress. It suited me.

I walked over to the balcony and watched the morning sun cover up all of Arlen. The people of Arlen had suffered too much. It was now up to me, if the people would still have to live in this crumbled land or would a new happy age begin.

I walked back to the armchair. I sighed as I put my turquoise heels on. I walked across the bedroom to the bed.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." I smiled.

Link opened his eyes slowly. "G-good morning my Princess." He responded fondly.

I stroked his messy hair. "Let's get going. I have made my decision." I stated.

"Y-your what..?" He yawned.

"About the Triforce."

Link jumped up from the bed like a lightning bolt and dressed himself up and brushed his hair. "Let's go then. We'll wake Ganondorf up aswell on the way to the palace room."
I nodded as a response.

We walked across the many hallways, me in front and the two men in back. I held my hands clenched. I can just hope that my theory is proven to be right, or all is lost.

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