Chapter 23 - Backstory

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"Why did we come to the smallest palace room?" I asked when I stepped inside the room.

"It was Ganondorf's idea." Link responded behind my back.

"Why are there no other peoples?" Ganondorf then asked.

"It was Zelda's idea." Link responded leaning towards the empty wall and crossing his arms.

"Yeah, I wanted my decision be a surprise for the people at first." I confirmed. "I guess you both have expected me to give the Hyrulian Triforce to this land.. Right?" I looked at Link and Ganondorf over my shoulder and sighed. Then I turned around. "I'd like to show you two something first, before I say anything else."
I walked in front of Link and Ganondorf and raised my right hand to the air. The Triforce mark was glowing. But it was not the Hyrulian one. It was the Arlenian one. What I thought was the Triforce of Power just couple days ago.. Was actually the Triforce of Hope. How had I not realized the fact that I had been looking at my right hand, not left? "Yes, indeed, I possess the Triforce of Hope." I said trying to sound confident. Even though I was not.

Ganondorf's mouth fell open in shock and Link raised his index finger to say something but then quickly fell emotionless.
"And you two, raise your hands up aswell. Link you first." I then continued.

Link did as I had said, and raised his right hand up. The top left piece started to glow at the back of his hand.

"You possess the Triforce of Tenacity.." I smiled gently. "Ganondorf?"

Ganondorf looked still shocked but then he shook his head and raised his right hand up.

"You possess the Triforce of Cunning."

"B-but... How?" Link's voice trembled.

"I think it's time you learned the whole story. Let me try to explain..." I sighed. "As you two know, the old gods created this supreme power. When the tragic of the Arlenian Triforce happened, many, many years ago.. The Triforce was yes indeed destroyed into pieces. But after generations, the broken force started to form into three pieces again since the descendants of the old guardian spirits had been reborn as mortals. According to a old legend, and to you guys, the Triforce could be restored, if three of those spirits who had been blessed with a possible piece of the strong force, would be found. And two of them were. They stand in this room right now. That's right, they are you two." I looked at the men who seemed to be as speechless as I was before.

Ganondorf did not say anything, he was looking at the ground.

"But.. Zelda.. You are an Hylian.. There is no possible way.. That you could be an descendant of an Arlenian guardian spirit.." Link's voice trembled even more than before.

"This is the interesting part, my dear Link. Did I say that I was an spirit decendant? I did not. But listen.." I turned around to look at the opposite way from him and Ganondorf. "I have no memory of my father. I have last seen him when I was two years old. I do not know much about him, but I do know, that he is an Arlenian. And a guardian spirit reborn as an mortal. When I was a child, my mother once told me, that my father was an coward at heart. He had dark purple hair, and green eyes.. He was said to always be seen wearing the same purple robe, and a bunny hood. I guess he liked rabbits." I shrugged.

"Link. He served your father and mother, here, in Arlen before he escaped to Hyrule because people were saying he possessed something strange, something that was not possible for a normal human to do. A power to merge into the walls. He discovered a crack at the slate of the sacred realm of Arlen, and sensed that beyond that portal was a place, where the Triforce still existed." I wiped a single tear off my eye.

"In Hyrule, he met my mother, and then later with her, he had his first and only child. Me. Then, he passed down the Triforce of Hope that was restoring upon his possession, to me, because he sensed that he could not watch his daughter grow up. He wanted to give something truly special to her before he had to go. And oh, how right he was, after the Hylian knights discovered that he was a dweller of a 'dark world', they began to hunt him down. There was no way he would've had the courage to stand against the mighty power of the Hylians. So he came back to Arlen.. And now possibly lives somewhere in here.."
I heard Link's shoes clatter against the stone floor as he walked next to me and grabbed my hand. I gave him a short look and a gentle smile and then I continued my lecture. "It was my father's power, that sent me here. It was not an accident. I discovered the portal to Arlen at the wall of the sanctuary in Hyrule, only because my father's will had guided me there. He knew that the portals would not work if they were used too many times, but he sensed that I was grown up enough, to leave back everything I had in Hyrule, and to come save this land of Arlen. He knew that Hyrule would have peace for many decades, and his own homeland needed a hero, or a heroine, more than ever. So he sent me here."

Link wiped tears off my face. "Zelda.. We can all just be thankful that you are here now.. Your-"

He did not get to finish. A sharp force appeared right between us throwing us apart. I flew towards the wall hitting it and Link to the floor. Then we heard evil laughing behind us. "Ha! This is all very touching, really, but I'm afraid I have to cut this emotional moment short."

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