Chapter 26 - The grand finale

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"That's the spirit." I responded. Then I felt how my head started to ache. The time felt like it has stopped and everything around me had as well. I held my hands up at my forehead. I imagined it would help somehow.

"Hear me, Zelda...! It is I, Link.. I'm afraid I must ask you to do what I cannot - defeat the beast." I could heard a telepatchic voice say inside my head. "All of your current weapons, even the blade of the evils bane will be useless while Ganon possesses two Triforce pieces. So, I bestow upon you, my heroine, one more gift..." The voice, or Link, continued. I saw a blue pendant push itself out of the wall. I catched it right before it crashed into the ground. "That has been my safekeeping since the day I was born, and now I will entrust it to you. It is the pendant of tenacity, it is imbued with the light of the Triforce and can be truly used only by the one who the sword has accepted as it's master. Ganon cannot escape it's radiance, no matter what he tries." Link lectured. I threw the pendant high up in the air and then raised my sword and watched as the blue ball shaped object merged itself into it.
"Now, for the sake of our worlds, let you display your true courage. And may your aim be true, Zelda!"

Now it felt like time was passing again. My head was not hurting and I could no longer hear Link. I shook my head quickly and held my sword tightly in my hand. "Well?" I started. "Shall we start the bloodshed?"

Ganon held his hands at his hips and stood in front of me looking rather effeminate. Then he nodded.

I forgot I was wearing my long dress and heels. I quickly threw the heels away from my foot and ran towards Ganon holding the sword in front of my face. "You are going to regret everything you've done in a matter of seconds!" I screamed. But right as I swung the sword towards Ganon, he vanished.

I turned around in disbelief only to see him standing at the other side of the room laughing. "My darling Princess Zelda. Did you really think that you'd be able to just hit me with that thing?" He inhaled deeply and stopped laughing.

I was boiling from anger. "You foolish traitor! If you are really that scared to face me then why did you even accept my challenge?!" I shouted and breathed heavily.

"My, my. Zelda, I haven't even got started yet." He said arrogantly and charged his sword that seconds later shot out a dark purple ball of lighting magic.

I quickly dodged it and watched as it hit the wall, I could hear Ganon laugh behind me. But little did he know that I got an idea. I got up and raised my sword up. I waited until Ganon shot another lighting at me and swung my sword, and just as I thought, the magic bounced back at Ganon hitting him.
He visibly got hurt. He looked at me with a twitching eyes. "Very well." He growled. "If you prefer a sword clash.. You'll get one." He took a few steps closer to me and finally the real battle begun.

I was confident. I have always been a good swordsman. I quickly dodged Ganon's first attacks and incised his back twice. He quickly got a bit further away from me and leaned on the wall right next to Link's painting. "You start to put on more of a fight than I would have thought possible out of such a soft girl." He gazed at the green stain on the wall arrogantly. "But this is just the beginning." He jumped right towards me holding his sword tightly with both of his hands. I couldn't fully move away in time. I fell to the ground and in horror felt how the sword landed right next to my pointy ears, cutting some of my blonde hair with it.

I stood up as quickly as I could. And sliced my sword through Ganon's left arm. He did not seem to mind at all. He was right handed, I quickly took advance and sliced his knees forcing him to fall to the ground from pain. He growled and tried to get up without succeeding. "This... This is preposterous. Driven to my knees by a simple child. Laughable!" He yelled and threw his sword facing right at me and before I could even notice it had cut deep into my shoulder and neck. I didn't have time to grizzle about it though. I ignored the blood that was covering practically all of my light blue dress at this point of time, I ignored all that pain and forced myself to Ganon to deal more damage to him. I sliced his right arm fully and watched as it fell into the cold stone floor and how Ganon yelled in pain. "You filthy scamp! You have awakened a wrath that will burn for eons! I swear to you... Whatever it takes, I will drag you into an eternity of torment!" He pointed his trembling index finger at me.

"Funny, how you change your mind so easily." I walked in front of him. "Ganondorf Dragmire. Foisting your inferior form upon my eyes. You are in such a sorry state." I gazed down at him emotionless. Then I turned around and walked over to Link. I gently touched the painting and in a matter of seconds he stood on two feet in front of me.

"Z..Zelda.." He muttered.

I gave him a gentle look and walked back over to Ganon, who was still crying out loud from pain. He looked at Link with raging eyes. "Y-you should have remained nothing but a stain on that wall.."

I took Ganon's sliced right arm from the ground and touched it in disgust. Two triangle pieces were now floating in front of us, which then merged onto my hand.

"N-no! This isn't over! I must have the Triforces!" Ganon growled.

"There is no other Triforce, Ganon." I said calmly. "It is in Hyrule. You cannot win anymore."
Link looked a bit surprised for a short moment but quickly touched my shoulder and nodded. "Seal the cunning man away into the walls for a lifetime."

I took a deep breath and swung my sword aimed for Ganon one last time. It went deep in right through the center of his head. A silence followed.

"Ughnn... Heh heh... The wind... It is blowing..."
Those were Ganondorf Dragmire's last words. After I took the sword out from his skull, he perished into thousands of little pieces and merged into the same frames where I were imprisoned moments ago. Me and Link both inhaled and exhaled slowly in relief.

"Now, let's ensure that he leaves this dark kingdom of ours - without the Triforce." Link sighed.
I nodded.


Link was standing in front of the tall grey slate holding the Ganon painting. "His noble ancestors stole our Triforce and devised this scheme that imperiled our kingdom." He gazed at the glowing crack on the slate. "And I alone will now set this right." He turned around and walked over to me. "Please now, if you will give me your bracelet, Zelda." He reached out his hand towards me and I took the bracelet out of my hand and placed it onto his hand. He then walked back over to the painting. "I knew about it's power long before I gave it to you, it is a very old item and has so little magic left on it. But... I should be able to use the last of its power to send him home to the demon world." He pointed at the grim slate with his hand where the bracelet was and small beams of different colours appeared around it. The Ganondorf painting quickly flew into the air and then got sucked into the glowing crack. And as he did the bracelet broke into millions of pieces in Link's hand and the crack stopped glowing. It got pitch-black. Link sighed. He turned around and walked past me.

"There is just one thing left to do, Link." I whispered. "I'm surprised you forgot already."

"H-huh?" Link turned around. 

I looked at him over my shoulder smiling. The ground started to shake with huge power. I saw how Link ran a few steps past me to the sacred realm's slate. The trembling got so strong that I fell down. Quickly after that the slate's crack started to glow again. It got larger and larger until it broke down fully. We both looked up and saw a golden triangle slowly being built up at the sky above us. Link raised his hands over his mouth to cover it up. I saw how tears fell down his face as the triangle started to shine and the skies turned blue.

The Triforce of Arlen, was finally restored.

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