Chapter 6 - World without you

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The priest grabbed my hand and looked me deep into my eyes through his dirty glasses.

"I do not recognize your face. What is a young precious creature, such as you, doing in our kingdom?" He asked from me.

My hand started to sweat under his small hands. "Honestly, I don't know either. It's a long story." I responded sounding a bit awkward.

"I see." He then turned to look at Link and Ganondorf who were looking at the paintings that were hanging on the walls of the sanctuary. "Your excellency?"

"I'll explain. And Zelda shall correct me if I'm wrong." Link responded and walked to the bench at the first row of the sanctuary. He sat down. So did the priest and me. Ganondorf noticed us and tried to rush to us but he stumbled to the corner of the blue carpet. I tried my best not to laugh.

Link cleared his throat and started. "So, like I already stated, this is Zelda. From Hairule."

"Hyrule." I murmured.

"And she is basically looking a way back home. She fell into our world by-"

Ganondorf had gotten up from the floor and touched Link's shoulder scaring the life out of him. Link let out an long scream and then looked at Ganondorf like he wanted to kill him.

After Link had hissed enough to Ganondorf, he continued the story and I corrected him about seventeen times.

After Link finished the rather messy story the priest looked thoughtful. He stood up and went to the altar and pointed at an huge painting representing three men. The gods of this world I suppose.

"This is the only thing I can think of, shall we remove it and see if it has anything behind it?" He asked coughing.

All the three of us nodded.

Link, the priest and Ganondorf got the painting off the wall and held it while I checked the back. My eyes sparkled as I saw an tall crack on the wall that glowed light and looked like glass.
The three men put the painting leaning towards a wall and came rushing to see the crack on the wall.

Ganondorf let out an long impressed sigh and held his hands against his glowing rosy cheeks "Is this it?"

"I dare to say yes." I nodded.

Link looked like he had never seen light before. "Worlds apart... As they say..." He mumbled. He reached to touch it but Ganondorf slapped his hand away quickly.

"Your majesty! What in the world do you think you're doing? If you'll touch that thing you get sucked into Hai-... Hyrule!" He snapped.

Link quickly came into his senses and then shrugged. "I guess you're right. I have my duties in here.."

The priest looked shocked. "But is young miss Zelda going to leave now? She seemed so useful to help this kingdom of ours!"

I knew that Link needs help. But would I leave Hyrule to help such an helpless prince who can't do anything for his kingdom? No. After I go back to Hyrule I might not be able to come back here, but that's not an problem, right? What about Link? What about Arlen? What about their Trifocre? What if Link will just use me as help to save his hideous kingdom? Maybe I don't even believe the whole Triforce thing he tells me. I can't trust anything. But one fact I do know, something has brought these two worlds close to each other, so close, that they are now connected.

I cleared my throat. "I'd love to help. But my kingdom needs to be protected too." That's a lie. Love to help this place? Keep dreaming. "So.. I guess I'll be going now.." I sighed. And looked at the three men looking at me silently.

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