Chapter 9 * Zanae's Chapter*

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" I'm waiting.. " I say impatiently.

" Okay, when I saw you it was love at first sight. I just knew that you and I would end up together. I couldn't resist talking to you because I liked you too much. Once we finally got together it was nothing short of a miracle. Everything was going good for us until Maeko came into the picture. When you told me that you and him was in a relationship, but decided to be best friends, I guess I kinda always felt that he would eventually take you from me. When school started back, and I saw you with him first day, I knew I had to intervene.

You know me and him had gotten into our arguments before. I can honestly blame it on my own insecurities. As time went on stuff started to happen, and me and you grew distant from each other. I started to beat you because I wanted to lower your self esteem, and make you feel useless. I was mad more so at myself because my mom had just passed because of her cocaine overdose, and at the time I felt I had no one."

For a short while there was a silence on the phone. "Derrick I....."

"No Za'nae you deserve to know this. Anyways, I started to lash out at you for no reason because I was angry at the man who was supplying my mom with the drugs. I then started to hear that you were cheating on me with that dude Lando. You and my brother were the only people still close to me in my life, and I started to feel like you were moving away from me slowly..

I don't why I beat you up but I did, and I do apologize for it. I kind of figured that you would go tell Maeko, and I knew how he would react so I braced myself. I found out that weekend that he said he was going to finally fight me. I kind of knew that if we fought, Milo, Dino, Bj, and Japree would have jumped in. So I made sure to have my people there as well. I wanted to catch him before he caught me. After the fight, I went to Dino's house, and tried to squash the beef because I didn't want to fight him. We were like brothers in the 8th grade when him and Maeko fell out. remember?"

I laugh lowly. "Yeah, I remember"

"Right, He wasn't trying to hear it though. If King Maeko had a issue with me then he would too. At least he was honest. Three days after, my brother was killed after leaving work. He was always there for me. He made sure I was taken care of after my mom died, and he put up with my bullshit. I couldn't take it so I disappeared for a while.

When I got my mind right, I came back, and you were the first person I thought to call. You were less than happy to get my call, and you told me you were pregnant. It felt good to be your first love, and I took your virginity. You know how I put it down on you."

I laughed out loud. "Derrick stop.."

"No, but I was happy that we could be a family. You didn't want the same as me, and you came to the decision to get an abortion. I couldn't convince you other wise, because of my actions. You took our baby away from me. I knew I had really lost you this time, and there was no getting you back. Every time I would see you, you would ignore me, or you would be with Maeko. Just seeing him angered me.

I eventually got cool with Rico, and we had a lot in common mainly because we didn't like Maeko, you know Maeko, and Rico fought in 10th grade, and Milo and Bj jumped in. It was cool to be friends with somebody that hates somebody else as much as you. He came up with this plan for us to call, and leave messages on Maeko's phone. Threats really, I was hesitant, but it was whatever at that time. Over time we started to go to Maeko's house at night, and watch him through the window. It was time to up the ante, so I climbed up the tree on the side of his house, and broken into his house. I realized it was his moms room which was cool. I started to rob him, but I just decided to watch his every move, and when he was sleep I would stand over him, and contemplate on killing him then, and there. I left little death threats on his door, and even on his moms bed about his death. It was supposed to be just for scare."

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