Chapter 18

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     As I step off of the long bus ride I arrive at my destination. I pull out my phone, and I had no calls or texts, so that means I wasn't missed. I placed my phone back into my pocket, and began walking. I looked around and smiled at the happy couples passing me by. It took me a minute, but here I was standing right in front of Lakeshore Park. Dino used to come here to think when we were little, so I knew he'd be here..

     I start to remember our first time here as a couple after one of our many arguments last year before he got shot. As I walk through the park I couldn't help but reminisce.

"Ko you're pissing me off." Dino says pushing me away from him.

     "How? You the one that was talking to other dudes." I spat

"About what to do for your birthday." He says matter-of-factly

     "That's not what it looked like..." I mumble to myself.

"Alright believe what you want then." He says storming out of my house, and getting into his mom's car to go wherever he came from.

     I sit down on my sofa, and sigh heavily. Maybe I was wrong. I'll let him cool off though. Four hours went by and he still hasn't text me back or responded to my calls. So, I called his mom to see if he was home. The phone rung 2 times before she picked up. "Hello..."

     "Hey Mama it's Maeko. Is Dino there?" I ask

"No. I thought he was with you." She responds.

     "Oh yeah..." I stumble. "He was but he got mad and left."

"Yeah that sounds like Aldino..." She mumbles.

     "Do you know where he may be?" I ask hoping she knew.

"Usually when I piss him off he goes over your house, and if you're not home he may be at that park he always runs to. I forget the name."

     "Lakeshore?" I ask.

"Yeah that's the one. He always goes there when he has something heavy on his mind. If he should pull up; I'll text you." She says

     "Thank you. Talk to you later."

"You're welcome hun." She says and hangs up.

     I quickly get up, and slide on my jogging pants, and slides to go to the park. The park was a farther distance from me being that it was in the heart of the city. I decided I would get in my car to see what's the ruckus.

     The drive was quiet for me. I was only left to recollect my thoughts. Maybe I was over thinking his actions. I know he wouldn't purposely hurt me. As I near closer to the park I start sweating bullets. It's been months since we been together, and he still makes me nervous. I pull up to the park, and slouch back in my seat. I check my phone once more seeing no messages, and I take the keys out exiting the car.

     I lock my doors, and slide both of my hands in my pockets. I start to walk down the walkway where people are jogging or just lazing around on the bench. I go directly to the basketball court to see if he would be playing, which he wasn't, so I walked towards the lake.

     Going towards the lake was super quiet because people only came over here at night when they were trying to fuck, but surprisingly no one was over here. As I got closer to the lake I saw someone sitting on the bench with their head down. I squinted my eyes, and noticed that temp fade instantly knowing it was Dino. I crept up over there behind him, looking over his shoulder. I didn't notice he had his headphones in and he was singing.

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