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A couple days pass by from that night. 


Xiumin's POV

"Why can't I get her out my brain!" I scream, pacing back and forth in my room. Luhan walks in a couple seconds later, "Can't get who out of your brain?" He asks me. I freeze and weakly smile at him, "Oh this model I can't seem to get over," I lie and he nods his head in understanding.

 "Which model? She must be hot if she's making you this frustrated." Luhan steps in my room fully walking over to my bed and taking a seat on it. Okay, it looks like he really wants to know who this model is so I quickly blurt out a random name, "Narsha!"

"Narsha? Oh god, ew. She's kinda old, don't you think?"

"I like older women." I flatly say, causing Luhan to laugh and shake his head, "Wow, okay. That's nice to know," He springs back up fixing his shirt, "Welp, I gotta date with ___, I'll see you later okay?"

"You're going out with ___?" I ask, trying hard to hide my tone of jealousy. What the heck man? He's always going out with ___, but I never heard him say the term date before. Does that mean they are dating? Like...together?

"Yep, I asked her out this morning," he says boldly, "I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes, so we will be celebrating this evening."

Wow, what a slap in the face. I force a smile, "I'm happy for you, Lu."

"Thank you! You were the one telling me I should ask her out, so I eventually did."

He's right, I was encouraging him to ask ___ out, but that was before I found out how freakin stunning she was!

Luhan smiles at me before he exits my room and I sigh in frustration. I start to pace back and forth again, rubbing my hair, making it a mess. "Great! Now they're dating. I can't do anything about it; it's too late." I groan loudly.

As Luhan's best friend, I won't interfere with his brand new relationship. But I know the weird feelings I have for ___ will take forever to die out. What's wrong with me? I suddenly feel like I can't promise myself to stay away from Luhan and ___. Nah, I can do it.

I hope.

Luhan's POV.

I give Xiumin a smile before exiting his room. He seemed uneasy, though. I feel like there's something wrong with him. Ever since that night when me, him, and ___ hung out at our local cafe, he started to act weird for some reason. Not only that but, on that specific night I kept catching him stare at ___ as if she was God or something. How strange. Hm, I'll just continue to brush it off, Xiumin can be weird sometimes.

I grab my car keys and exit the apartment me and Xiumin share and leave to meet up with ___ at the park. 

- - -

Your POV

"5 minutes late..." I check the time on my phone before looking back up in hopes that I would see Luhan. I still can't believe he asked me out, I thought he'd never ask. I've had a thing or two for him for the longest while. I'm still impressed on how brave he was the first time I met him. He literally walked up to me and just... well... started talking to me.

He had a friend with him whom I didn't know at the time, or was improperly introduced, but now I know his name is Minseok or Xiumin. We hung out together the other night and just wow, Xiumin is very attractive, although, I can honestly say Luhan should be the only guy on my mind right now.

Not only because he's kinda my boyfriend now, but also because he's FUCKING LATE.

I feel my phone vibrate on my lap and I take a look at who texted me. It must be from Luhan.

Luhan: Where are you? The text says. 

You: I'm by the fancy water fountain. Well, I'm actually sitting on it.

Luhan: I thought we agreed to meet at the gate?

You: okay but I'm at the fountain.

Luhan: But the gate.

You: The fountain. I feel myself smile.

Luhan: Fine, I'll be right there. <3

I read the text and put my phone away, looking around to see if I can spot Luhan walking my direction, and I do see that silly boy I totally like so much right now.

I stand up as he approaches me and spread my arms up for a hug. He embraces me then plants a kiss on my cheek making me blush, "Heyyyy." I greet him with a small cute smile. 

"Hey, you look good." He compliments me and tucks some hair behind my ear.

"I do? Luhan, this is something I'd usually wear." I look at my outfit. I'm wearing an oversized white sweater that has my favorite band's logo on it, black tights, and some black and white high top vans. 

"Yeah, but you still look good; you look like an oreo with all that black and white on."

"An oreo? Hey, be quiet and let's start this date, yeah?" 

He chuckles, "Sure." He then loops his arms with mine and began to walk.

Agghh, Luhan is so cute! Y'know, he kinda looks like a baby with those lovely features he possesses. His hair is a soft brown like an oak of a tree; his eyes are the type of brown that's like sweet Hershey's chocolate; his skin is smooth and creamy, and his face itself just gives me life, especially those cheeks!

I look at him and he looks at me, "I feel like the luckiest girl in the world." I giggle and he then says, "You are the luckiest girl in the world."

Ah, my heartu.


A/N: - 9/28/16

Character Info: In this story, there is no EXO or whatever. Everyone mentioned in this story is regular people living regular lives.

Main Characters:

Xiumin: 23, his roommate is Luhan (They share an apartment), Luhan is also his best friend (Also very close to Chen who later appears), likes to sing and write music and occasionally dances. Nice, CUTE, and awkward. He composes music as his job and sings at special events and stuff with Luhan and friends.

Luhan: 22, his roommate is Xiumin. He and Xiumin are pretty close, considering they have been buddies since they were jitts. Loves singing and writing. Bold, fun, adorable. He produces music as his job and would call himself an entertainer.

You: 20, college student but you don't live on campus you have your own apartment nearby, enjoys art and music, goofy and crazy yet a tad bit evil. 

That's all the characters for now. 

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