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Xiumin's POV from last night


"Okay, so it went like this," I began to tell them and they leaned in eagerly, wanting to gain on this information.

"Go on, continue." Chen looked at me with anticipation.

"Well, at first I didn't pay her any mind. The first time me and Luhan saw her was at the cafe I love much, but the thing is, Luhan walked up to her and started chatting with her while I didn't."

"Ohhhhh." Lay and Chen both said in sync.

"It was actually a game. Luhan and I had bet on if the next young lady enters the cafe, I'd have to go talk to her."

"But you didn't," Chen said, almost reminding me of my damn mistake.

"Yeah. She was even good looking from afar, but I thought it would be weird just to talk to a random stranger. I didn't wanna scare the girl, y'know?"

Lay laughed, "You're not even scary."

"Shut up before I whoop your ass." I tried to threaten him but we all ended up laughing, "Anyway, we watched her walk over to the counter and that's when Luhan turned to me and said, 'Xiumin, she's actually pretty cute. You sure you don't want her?'".

"Wow, dang, Luhan actually said that?" Lay asked.

"Yeah, he did. After that, I said, 'I never wanted a stranger before', Then I got up and left."

"Wow, Minseok, just wow." Chen shook his head at me.

"I know! Ugh. And when I was leaving I saw him approach ___ and just started talking to her."

"Well, you should know all the ladies love Luhan and find him very cute so of course ___ easily fell for his charm," Lay told me, crossing his arms.

"Right. And the worst part is, after that day he wouldn't stop talking about her. Like I said earlier, I necessarily didn't care, but that night when I saw her up close, my breath was taken away."

"That night?" Chen repeated, leaning back on the sofa.

"Yeah, Luhan invited me to hang out with him and ___ one night, and that's when I knew I had to have her, but I can't. I don't want to steal Luhan's girl, that would be so shitty of me."

"So you're saying if you wanted, you'd steal Luhan's girl?" Chen questioned me with a smirk on a face.

"I can, but I won't," I admitted.

"Wah, Xiumin you're very cute! I would date you if I were a girl." Lay popped in.

The hell?

"Pft, thanks for the input Yixing." I thanked him.

"But Xiumin, this must be so weird for you. You're crushing on your friend's girlfriend." Chen yawned.

"It is weird. As long as I don't see her again it may be easier for me to get over her." I soon too yawned and laid on my back, closing my eyes.

"Yeah.." Lay yawning was the last thing I heard before passing out.

Luhan's POV from last night

After me and ___'s festive day, I took her home. I walked her to her apartment door and she tugged on my sleeve and said, "Do you perhaps want to stay the night?"

My eyes widened, "Stay overnight?" I repeated, shocked by her sudden question.

"Yeah~" She unlocked her door then grabbed my hand, tugging me inside.

"___, this is a bit sudden, don't you think?" I watched her close the door and locked it.

"Is it?" She walked towards me and took off my jacket, throwing it on the floor.


A smirk appeared on my face and I grabbed her waist pulling her close, "Why are you acting so naughty?"

"I'm not ~ What's on your mind, I just wanted to take off that jacket." She pushed me towards her room and made me sit on her bed, "Don't move. I'm gonna take a shower and get ready for bed."

"Okay." I simply said as I watched her disappear into the bathroom. I totally wasn't looking at her ass, wot.

I obeyed and continued to wait until she was finished with the bathroom. I took a look around at her decently sized room. It was coated with a nice (f/c) and covered with some band posters and picture frames.

"Nice..." I mumbled to myself. Then I heard the bathroom door open and I turned my head seeing ___ in only a towel. I blushed.

"Don't get the wrong idea, Mr., I only came back in here to get my clothes." She walked towards her dresser, receiving some clothes then went back in the bathroom, giving me a smirk before she disappeared off again.

"Damn, why is she doing this to me?" I looked up at the ceiling, getting more and more aroused by the second.

About 5 minutes passed by and ___ exits the bathroom in her Pj's, which was just an oversized T-shirt with probably no pants underneath. She crawled on her bed, getting under the covers. She looked at me, "Cmon big boy, get comfortable."

I kicked off my shoes, took my pants off, and lastly threw my shirt off, leaving my undershirt on.

"Aye, I want that off too." She pointed at my undershirt and I quickly took it off, going under the duvet after I did so. I scooted closer to her, spooning her. "Better?"

"Yeah, don't you feel so much better?" She giggled.

I rest my chin on the crook of her neck, taking in her lovely scent, "I do.."

She then turned around, looking at me, "I had fun today." She cupped my face and I slipped an arm around her waist, pecking her lips, "I did too."

___ giggled again, pulling me back in for a kiss. The kiss went from sweet and soft to rough and aggressive within a minute. I crawled on top of her, our lips never separating.

"Mn, Luhan~" She wrapped her arms around my neck, and my hands found their way to her chest.

After a while, I pulled away and she flipped us over where she was on top. I grabbed her ass as she leaned down and started planting hickey's on my neck. I moaned at the touch of her lips on my skin.

She soon pulled away, rolling off me, "hehehe, good night~!" She turned her back on me and I just stare at her in disbelief.

"You serious?" I asked her.

"Zzzz...." She pretended to sleep.

"Wow, turn on a guy and leave him hanging I see. I'll get you for that~" I got out of her bed and made my towards the bathroom.

There was no way I could fall asleep with a boner.



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