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___'s POV, Morning time

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I sit up and rub my eye, searching for the phone with the now really annoying ring tone.

I find it, seeing it's Sehun calling me.

I mentally freak out. We have class today? I answer, "helloooo." I say tiredly.

"Good morning, no need to freak out, we don't have class today."

I sigh, "I totally wasn't freaking out."

"In your mind you were."

"Aishhhh, shut up! Anyway, what is it?"

"I feel like I haven't been spending enough time with you, do you perhaps want to go to the mall?"

"It depends, are you gonna buy me clothes?"

"Of course."

I squeal, "Okay, I'll start getting ready!" I hang up and stumble out of bed.

A sharp pain jabs me in my hip and I fall on my knees.

"Ow...! Why..."

Then I remember.

I totally fucked Xiumin last night.

I force myself up and slowly walk to the bathroom, legs feeling weak.

"Awh man, I'm walking funny. If Sehun sees me like this he'll definitely know what's up." I successfully enter the bathroom, walking to the shower.

I turn on the pipe and step in since I'm already naked.

Me...and Xiumin did it last night. Not once, not twice, but three times. Three rounds of hot, hot , sex.

I blush at the thought.

I smile, "I got what I wanted~"


Xiumin's POV

I wake up early to leave Luhan purposely. I left early to go to the studio building since we're having a meeting. What's wrong with being a little bit early?

Getting there, I walk in the meeting room, taking a seat in the comfy chair.

"Hey, someone's early." Chen walks in, taking a seat next to me.

"Yeah, you are too."

"Only because I like being early. Where's Luhan?"

"At home."

"Ah, you left him didn't you?"


"So I guess you figured it out."

"Figured what out?"

"That he's been seeing Chi for a while, while seeing ___."

"Wait, so you knew this whole time?"

"Yes. I always see him and Chi talking. They are pretty close. So when you told me about ___, I got really confused, because I thought he liked Chi."

"Ah," I lean back in my chair, "Turns out he doesn't even like her...not as much as I do."

"Yeah, I know you like her a lot more and would treat her better. Does she know that Luhan cheated?"

"She does, I told her. But again, she cheated on him too, with me, so..."

"So...? You want her, don't you?"

"I do, I had sex with her last night." I blush.

"Wait, what?" Chen says in shock.

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