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___'s POV.

I get home, going straight to my room and throwing myself on the bed.

Geez, I really did grab Xiumin and kissed him. That was so bad of me.

I have a boyfriend, and his name is Luhan.

Luhan, Luhan, Luhan.

I keep saying his name but why does  Xiumin's face appear in my head. He's actually freakin hot, with a smile that could cure cancer. Not to mention he's really nice, and his lips fit perfectly on mine.

I swear if he hadn't stopped me earlier...

I shake my head, "No! No more bad thoughts!" I sit up on the bed, looking around for my phone. I need to think about Luhan, and Luhan only. I find my phone and call him, but he doesn't pick up. God damn it. I call Sehun.

"What." He answers.

"Well hello to you too Mr.,"

"Hey, what do you want?"

"Are you busy?'

"Yeah, I'm eating."

"Oh, well, you can eat and talk can you?"

"I can't,"

"Yes, you can! Anyway, let's talk, yeah?"

"Yes, what do you have to tell your Oppa."

"Remember how I told you about me and Luhan's lunch date? Well, during the middle of the date, I made out with one of friends."

"Geez, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't knoooowww," I whine, honestly not knowing what's wrong with me. I'm a good girl, aren't I?

"I didn't think you'd call me about this," Sehun admits.

"I know, you were totally not expecting me to say that. But the thing is, it felt so good to be bad."

"What, so you're a bad girl now? Do I need to whoop you." Sehun threatens me casually.

"No! No, you don't need to do that Oppa, I'm a good girl I swear. I just don't know what to do."

"I know what you should do, stay away from the friend you made out with." I hear him taking big gulps of his drink.

"But like.... Xiumin is so hot."

"Xiumin is the name? Ah, what a name. But listen to your Oppa and stay away from him if you want to keep a relationship with Luhan.

"Okay...talk to you later."

"Bye, behave." I hear him say the second time today before he hangs up.

What if I don't want to behave? What if I love the thrill?

No! ___ calm down.

I sigh and smack my forehead.

Maybe if I just hear his voice one more time I'd be okay. I look through my phone's contacts, finding Xiumin's number. I hesitate for a second before pressing call.

Pick upppppp....

"Hello?" He picks up after the 4th ring.

"Hey," I say awkwardly.

"So, why did you call me? Did you mean to call someone else?"

"No, no, I just...I...oh..uhm!"

I hear him laugh on the other side, "You're so ridiculous."

"Shush! I was just calling to see if Luhan is okay  since he didn't pick up his phone." I make up a natural excuse.

"Oh, well he should be sleeping. Want me to check?"

"Yes, please," I say sweetly.

"Okay, hold on."

I hear footsteps on the other end and a door swinging open, "Ah, Luh--."


"Oh, he isn't in his room. I swear he was. He must've left when I wasn't paying attention." Xiumin tells me.

"So that's why he didn't pick up."

"It seems."

"Gosh, that sucks."

"I bet it does. Well, bye."

"No! Don't hang up!"

"Why not?"

"I wanna talk to you."

"Talk to me? About what?"

"I dunno...our make-out."

"Yeah....what about it?"

"Did you like it?"

He gets quiet.


"Yes, I did like it..."

"Me too." I blush.

"But I want you to please stop acting like a bad girl. If you keep doing so, I'll just be being a bad friend to Luhan."

"You really care about your friend, huh."

"Yes, Luhan has been my friend ever since we were kids."

"I see."

"I'm glad you understand. Now please remain loyal to your boyfriend and don't drag me into this, please."

"Okay," I giggle.

"What are you giggling about?"

"It's funny, because once you see me again Luhan won't even cross your mind while your lips are on mine."

"Says who?"

"Says me, since I'm coming over." I slip back on my shoes

"Please no, don't come over here. I won't be able to control myself if I see your face again."

"Good, see you soon." I hang up, and lick my lips.

Xiumin ~ I don't care, I'm getting a piece of you~



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