
856 40 11

___'s POV


I wake up to to the feel of Luhan not being in the bed. I sit up and see the empty bed with the exception of me, "He left?" I rub my eyes and stumble out of bed, heading to the bathroom.

I look at myself in the mirror and start stroking my fucked up bed hair, "I always look so ugly when I wake up, now I'm glad Luhan left." I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste and start brushing my teeth.

Ahh, spending the whole day yesterday with Luhan was so fun. Like really fun. I had so much fun, that I didn't want Luhan to leave, so I invited him to stay the night, which he obliged.

It was the fact that whether I should have sex with him the first date or not, which we didn't. A part of me wishes we did while the other part of me is glad we didn't. All we did was mess around a bit and I teased him. Now that was fun.

I smile, finishing up brushing my teeth.

My phone rings with the silly ringtone I set it on. I run towards it, hoping it's Luhan but it's not. It's my good friend Sehun.


"Yah, where are you? Did you forget we had class today?" Sehun tells me and I gasp. Holy crap I did forget.

"Oh, my god! I totally forgot!" I stumble into my closet, picking out a random outfit.

"You're so careless." Sehun sighs, "You're gonna be late for class."

"Wait for me! Please, wait for me!" I throw the phone on the bed and start stripping myself, then I start putting on the new clothes I took out my closet.

"Hurry up!" I hear Sehun yell over the phone.

"I'm almost done!" I run to my drawers and to get some knee high socks, slipping them on.

"Good, I'll be waiting outside for your stupid ass." I hear him hang up.

"I'm not stupid...!" I whine to myself while slipping on my shoes.

I quickly run to the bathroom to fix up my hair, making it look decent enough. I pick up my strawberry scented perfume and face it my way, pressing the pump, but the perfume gets in my eye and I scream in pain.

"It burns!" I quickly go to wash my face.

I hear a knock on the front door, "Yah! Hurry up!"

"Just a minute!" I know it's Sehun,  and boy, he sure is impatient.

I grab my towel and dry my face, putting it back on the rack. There's no time to do makeup so I quickly put on some lip gloss. I run out the bathroom, grab my bag, and head out my room, going to the front door.

I open it seeing Sehun standing there, pissed. "Let's go," He grabs my hand, tugging me along with him.

"I'm sorry, Sehun!"

"You're always doing something stupid!" We get to his car and we both quickly get in.

"I'm sorry!" I apologize again, putting on my seatbelt.

"Ch, it's fine, dummy." He drives off.

"I'm not a dummy." I pout.

"Yes, I know you're not but you sure do act like one. How can you forget we had class?"

"My boyfriend." I blush.

"Oh, that Luhan boy you told me about." He says flatly, eye on the road.

"Yes, he totally distracted me."

"Aish, don't let this happen again because next time I will not remind you."

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