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Xiumin's POV

During the drive home, my boner slowly went away. God, what a relief, I thought I was gonna die. But I made it through. ___ turns back around in the seat, "Xiumin, why isn't your number in my phone?"

I raise an eyebrow, "Is that your way of asking me for my phone number?" I smirk and grab her phone, punching in my digits.

"Yes, is it a crime?" She giggles.

"No, but it was smooth." I return her phone after saving my number.

"Babe, why would you need Xiumin's phone number?" Luhans asks, with a slight hint of jealousy in his tone.

"Because we're friends, duh. I wanna talk to him."

"Oh, I see." Luhan says flatly, "Glad you're stealing my friends." He jokes.

Oh god, now he's acting like how he would act around Chen, but this time, he's less serious.

I still for bad for making out with his girlfriend, and it was stupid of me to give her my number. This girl is the devil in disguise, don't let her cute, pretty, innocent look fool you!


Why do I love the thought of that so much?

___ can literally persuade me to have sex with her and I wouldn't even be mad about it. Yet, I should, because she was being naughty behind her boyfriends back. At least I stopped her before things proceeded. I have a conscious y'know.

Geez, this is something I seriously need to tell Chen. I can't keep this all to myself!


We drop ___ home and me and Luhan soon arrive home ourselves.

"God, I am so full." Luhan yawns while entering our apartment.

"Me too, that food was good." I close the door behind us then take a seat on the sofa.

"I'm gonna nap, don't bother me." Luhan goes to his room, closing the door.

Ah, good. Some quiet time. I pull out my phone and text Chen.

Xiumin: You won't believe what happened.

Chen: hm?

Xiumin: ___ freakin kissed me while we were at a restaurant. We were by the restrooms, she totally cheated on Luhan.

Chen: Whaaaat? Isn't that a good thing?

Xiumin: it's not! Luhan is my best friend and I'm just gonna keep feeling guilty.

Chen: Don't feel guilty man, don't waste your time. Just have fun and go with it.

Xiumin: is that really the advice you're giving me? 😐 that would end so bad, I can already see it.

Chen: lol, I was wondering if you were actually gonna listen to me. Good, your mind is in the right state. Don't do anything stupid. You said she came on to you, right?

Xiumin: omg. n yeah, and I tried to stop her at first but her words made me give in... She's evil.

Chen: wow, she IS evil. But anyway, I wish you the best of luck, and I would keep an eye on Luhan if I were you.

Xiumin: Why?

Chen: no reason. 🙊

I put my phone down. Keep an eye on Luhan? What is he doing? I actually haven't been paying that much attention to him since he started seeing ___.

I wonder...



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