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Luhan's POV

In the studio, that's where me and Xiumin sing and make music for a small rookie company that pays well. After me and Xiumin are done recording, I turn to him, "You wanna hang out with me and ___ later?"

He blinks at me, "Why?"

"___ wants to see you again for some reason." I scratch my head.

"She does?" He looks so surprised, yet confused.

"Yeah, she wants to be friends with my friends." I exit the recording room. I sigh, what a weird girl. Xiumin follows me, "I don't think I should come." He tells me. I turn to him, "Why not?"

He bites his lip, "as much as I want to, I just can't."

"That's not a full answer, Xiu."

"I just can't, okay?" He walks away.

The hell is wrong with him? Maybe it's because he doesn't want to be the third wheel again. I shake my head and exit the room, bumping into someone.

"Hey! Watch it!"

I look up seeing Baekhyun, one of the guys I work with. "Oh, sorry."

"Ha, it's fine." He pats my shoulder. I smile, "You busy later?"

"No, why?" He raises an eyebrow.

"To keep Xiumin company while I'm with my girlfriend. For some reason, she wants him to be there with us, but Xiu would just be awkward, so can you accompany him so it won't be so awkward?"

"Hmmmm.." He puts his hand on his hip and rubs his chin, "Can I bring Chanyeol?" He then asks me. "Yes, you can bring him, the more people the better."

"Yesh!" He skips away all happily but then suddenly turns around, "Where are we going?"

"Pft, I'll text you the information."

"Okay, dude." He walks away, disappearing around the corner.

I walk back into the room I was previously in and walk up to Xiumin, "you're coming."

"Huh. I told you I can't--"

"Shhhhhhhh," I press my finger against his lips, shutting him up. "I asked Bacon to join us, and Giraffe will probably be there too, so you don't have to worry about being a third-wheel."

He stands up, "I'm not worried about that--"

"No! You're coming. If my girlfriend wants to see you, she will see you." I tap his shoulders and walk back out the room, taking out my phone to text Bacon the information.

Geez, man.


Xiumin's POV

what the hell????

I sit back down in the seat and stare at that dark blue padded walls. I don't want to come, yet he's making me go? Ughhhhh, the hell man?

I punch the nearest thing by me, which was a water bottle.

I can't go, because if I see ___ again, who knows what will happen? But he said Chanyeol and Baekhyun will be with us, so I guess I could talk to them to distract myself. What even is my life?


___'s POV.

I finish all my classes for the day and walk with Sehun to his car for him to take me home.

"You OK? You seem excited about something." He gets in the car, throwing his book bag in the back. I get in the car too, smiling at him, "Yes, Luhan is taking me out for lunch~ He's so niceee ~"

"Ew, don't gush about your boyfriend around me." He puts on his seatbelt after he starts the car. I pout, "Oppaaa, you were the one who asked."

"I know and I regret asking." He smirks, "I'm playing, I hope you have fun."

"Ah, thank you~"

He drives off, taking me home.

Getting there, I hug him and peck his cheek before getting out the car, closing the door, "You're the best, Oppa~"

"Behave." Is all he says to me before driving away.

I giggle and walk up the steps to my apartment, getting out my keys to unlock the door. "Heheh, I can't wait to see Xiumin, it's been forever." I enter my home and go straight to room, setting down my bag. I take out my phone to text Luhan, telling him I'm home. He texts back:

Good, get ready I'll be there in a few.

I mentally nod and make my way towards the bathroom, getting ready.

Luhan's POV

"Xiumin! Get ready!" I pound on his bedroom door.

"Okay, I will! Stop pounding on my door, you duck."

"Did you just call me a duck?" I scoff.

"Yeah, a duck! Quack quack !"

"Whatever, just be ready in 5." I walk away from his door and start getting ready myself. I comb through my brown silky hair and put on a white shirt, throwing on a black leather jacket over it. I put on black skinny jeans that are ripped, and slip on some high-top Vans. I grab my cologne and spray just a little bit on myself. I exit my room and I see Xiumin walk out his room, ready.

"Hey, good timing," I tell him, grabbing my car keys from the table,

"Let's go."



Baekhyun:  22, Probably won't appear in this story as much but he works with Xiumin and Luhan. So, he likes singing, yeah. And you'll see how freakin gay he is for Chanyeol. He's adorable, silly and goofy. That's pretty much it, lol.

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