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Xiumin's POV


I wake up, sitting up on the bed. I look to the side, seeing ___ fast asleep.

I shake my head, getting some hair out my face. I lean over and kiss her cheek.

God, we had 3 rounds of sex, of course she's tired. I'm tired too, but I can't stay here. I search for my phone and eventually find it. I see that I got several missed calls from Luhan and a few text messages from him. I read them:

-Hey, where are you?

- Have you heard from ___? I need to talk to her.

- Seriously, where are you? When did you leave the house?

- When you decide to come back, we need to talk.

I shake my head and toss my phone to the side. He wants to talk to ___? About what? Is he gonna confess he cheated? Is he gonna break up with her? They haven't even been dating long.

I check the time: 11:59 pm. About midnight. I roll out of ___'s bed and start getting dressed.

A long sigh escapes my lips as I pull on my jacket. I walk over to ___ and kiss her forehead before leaving.


Luhan's POV

I did something terrible behind ___'s back, but I honestly don't feel bad about it. To be honest, ___ is kind of weird and too childish for my type, I can't believe I asked her out. What was I thinking ? Xiumin was the one encouraging me to ask her out, even though I may have really liked her, the feelings weren't there.

When I got home, Xiumin was nowhere in sight. Maybe he found out I left the house.

Earlier, when I was leaving, he was too fixated on his phone to even notice I left, so, of course, he probably left the house to look for me.

I went to meet up with this stunning woman named Chi at the cafe, she's one of my coworkers. We would sometimes flirt with each other in the office, and god she's stunning. I wasn't sure who I wanted. Chi or ___?

Chi's more mature and sophisticated, while ___ is goofy and playful.

Sure, ___ is freakin adorable and cute, but I don't want to date a grown child.

That's why I kissed Chi earlier, and things got heated in my car. She rode me like a pony and she sucked me up, god that slut.

I did feel guilty for a while since ___ doesn't deserve this, so I've been trying to call her and everything to end it, but no answer.

I also tried calling Xiumin, but he seems to busy too. Like what the hell?

I lay on the sofa.

Suddenly, the front door swings open, revealing Xiumin.

"Ah, you're here."

"Yes, I'm here." He closes the door and he stands in front of me, "What is it you wanted to talk about?"

"Y'know, let's talk about ___."

"___? Yeah, what about her?"

"Yeah, I'm thinking about breaking up with her."

"Oh, you want to break up with her? Why?"

"Because I realized she's not my ideal type."

"Oohhhhh, so the girl you were sitting a the cafe is your ideal type?" He asks me and my eyes widen, "How did you know that--"

"I saw you. I freakin saw you. I went to the cafe and I freakin saw you smooching it up with what's her name again? Chi? Seriously, Chi?"

I stand up, "Xiumin--"

"I can't believe you. I thought you actually liked ___. You wasted her time with your sick charms and entered her life only just to leave. That's sick y'know? Do you even care about how she would feel? And you're just gonna leave her for an older woman. Wow, Luhan. Wow." He bites the inside of his cheek before smirking.

"I know, it's pretty fucked up," I admit.

"I guess I shouldn't feel bad then since I fucked her."

"You what?" I raise my voice.

"You heard me. While I was gone, I fucked ___. You should've seen her squirming under me~"

"You're fucking lying."

"I'm not. And oh, at the restaurant, when me and ___ were both gone, we bumped into each other and made out."

I grab his collar, "Are you fucking serious?" I growl.

"I am, but it shouldn't matter to you, right? Since you want Chi, right?" He grabs my arm, pushing my hand down, "Ever since the first night we all hung out together at the cafe, I found ___ absolutely beautiful, and I couldn't get her out of my head. I wanted to keep my distance since she was your girl. She even came on to me earlier, that's how we ended up kissing. I told her to stop, but she's very manipulative," I hear Xiumin explain.


"Look, do whatever you want. I'm sorry this all had to happen, but you can't turn back time; what has been done is done." He taps my shoulder and walks into his room.

God, what the fuck. Now I feel like the bad guy... I guess I am the bad guy.

Whatever, I'm gonna do what I want, just as Xiumin said. He had sex with ___? I was not expecting that. I guess he can have her since Xiumin already claimed her.

Ugh, what the fuck.

He was right about everything, he knows me too well. And I can't believe he saw me and Chi at the cafe.

Sigh, r.i.p



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