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Xiumin's POV

Luhan has been gone for hours, So I think I'll just invite over Chen so I won't feel all alone. Besides, I really need someone to talk to right now. If I'm all alone with my thoughts, I might just go crazy, especially since I'm in this situation.

I pick up my phone and dial Chen's number. After the third ring, he picks up, "Hey, what's up?" I hear his voice from the other end. He sounds kind of tired. I clear my throat, "Nothing much. You busy?" I ask him, casually walking around my room as I hold the phone to my ear. 

"No, I'm just here at home with Lay's unwanted company."

"Hey! I just wanted to visit you!" I hear Lay in the background and I laugh a bit.

"You totally just came over without any warning, and you woke me up from your hard ass knock on the door," Chen basically starts attacking Lay jokingly with his words and I find this amusing.


"Calm down, Yixing." I can hear Chen trying to hold in a laugh but he fails and starts laughing, causing Lay to do a loud groan I surprisingly heard. "Anyway, what is it you wanted Xiumin?"

"Oh yeah, I was wondering if you'd like to come over. Luhan left hours ago to go on a date with ___ and I feel so alone."

"Ah, sure. Just so you know, Lay will be tagging along as well."

"I most certainly will." I hear Lay say.

"Okay, cool. See you guys soon!" I hang up and toss my phone on my bed, exiting my room.

I begin to clean up the place just a bit, Luhan can be such a slob. Just imagine him as a roommate.

Well, he's actually a pretty good roommate, and he's not that much of a slob, but ever since he met ___, he's been up and about.

Soon, I hear a knock on the front door, and within a second Lay and Chen start knocking obnoxiously.

"I'm coming!" I run towards the door and open it, looking at my weird, annoying friends.

"Hey, Xiumin!" Chen just walks in and Lay bows down to me slightly, "Hey, Minseok." He then walks in and goes into the open living room.

I close the door, locking it.

"I'm so glad you guys came." I join them in the living room, taking a seat on the sofa.

"No problem. We wouldn't want you going crazy and about."

"Yes, aren't we just good friends~?" Lay smiles, showing his one prominent dimple.

"You guys are amazing friends, I couldn't ask for a better squad."

Lay starts to laugh suddenly, "That's what she said."

Chen and I turn to him with a very concerned expression on our faces, "Huh??"

"Earlier, Xiumin said 'coming' when he was getting the door. Therefore, that's what she said!"

"You know how long ago that was, boy?" Chen shakes his head with a little smile forming on his perfectly structured face.

"It wasn't that long ago."

"But it was." Chen and I both say in sync then we both laugh, and Lay starts to join the laughter like a minute late causing him to be the only one laughing in the room.

Yeah, Lay can be a bit slow in the head sometimes, but that's one of the reasons why we love him so much. Despite him being a bit off sometimes, he's musically talented just like me and Chen.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?" I ask them awkwardly.

"What is there to do in your home, Minseok?" Chen asks me with an eyebrow raised.

"We could watch a movie!" I stand up and walk to the beautifully made DVD cabinet, opening it.

In this cabinet, Luhan and I have a shitload of movies and video games. We used to have at-home movie nights and game nights but after a while it got overdue, and that's when we started going out to watch a movie and other stuff.

"A movie?" Lay walks up behind me and I turn around looking at him. "Uh, yes, a movie."

"If they're in your cabinet, maybe you perhaps saw them already?"

"Well yes, I've seen all these movies with Luhan."

"Then no, we will not watch a movie." He closes the cabinet and takes a seat back on the sofa. I turn around and look at Chen and his face is saying: Oh well.

Suddenly he speaks up, "I know! Xiumin, tell us more about Luhan's girlfriend."

My heart sunk. The reason why I invited them over was to not think about ___!

I take a deep breath, "Look, I don't want to talk about her--"

"You like her, don't you, Hyung?" Chen then asks me.

"No, I don't like her. Why would I like my best friends girlfriend?" I totally lie.

"Hey! You can't lie to us Minseok. We know when you're lying. Now sit down and spill the details, please." Lay pats the seat next to him, signaling me to sit between him and Jongdae. 

Oh, god.

"What's wrong with you guys? I invited you guys over so I wouldn't be cooped up in my thoughts thinking about ___ and how lucky Luhan is; but instead, you guys decide to do this to me?"

"Yes." They both say, being completely honest. I sigh in defeat and take a seat back on the sofa.

"Okay, So it all started like this..." I begin.

Chen: 22, A cool guy, one of Xiumin's closest friends. Like really close, almost to the point where Luhan gets jealous. Chen is freakin stunning. He's good company and normally nice. He's enjoy singing. Works with Xiumin.

Lay: 22, Also good friends with Xiumin, and pretty much nice and polite to everyone. Lay is so cute and a bit slow and air-heady. But most of the time he's a-okay. He loves music, acting, and singing

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