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Xiumin's POV

"Hey! Get your asses up!"

I hear Luhan's voice and my eyes quickly pop open, taking a look at him.

He seems really upset.

I sit up, rubbing my tired eyes. I then take a look around seeing that Chen and Lay are shuffling up on the sofa.

Ah, I know why he's upset. It's Chen.

Luhan looks at me, "Did you guys have a sleepover? Did you guys have fun, yeah?" I can definitely hear the irritation in his voice.

"We didn't have a sleepover we accidentally fell asleep on the sofa last night." Lay yawns.

"But you guys stayed here overnight, hence, sleep over!" He gives an angry glare to Chen who didn't even say anything yet.

"Ah, Luhan, you're so loud." I get up and grab him by the arm, pulling him into his room.

"You invited Chen?" He closes the room door.

"Yes, why is he always a problem with you?"

"Because he's trying to take you away from me. I'm your best friend, not him!"

I can't help but giggle at this. He's acting like a little child, "I know you're my best friend."

"Then get him out! Along with the air head Lay." He pokes my chest.

I stare at him for a moment. Realizing something. "Did you just come home?"

"Yeah, why?"

"So, you stayed overnight with ___?"

"She wanted me to." His cheeks turn a bright pink.

"Ah, I see."

"Don't get the wrong idea or anything! She simply wanted me to stay at her place, that is all. Sorry, I didn't tell you."

"No, no, don't apologize to me it's fine, you're a grown man, you can do whatever you want." I shoot him a toothy grin but inside I'm hurting.

"Okay! But anyway, I know I was gone and everything so you must've gotten bored and invited friends, but at least get Chen and Lay to leave before a certain time."

"What, you're putting rules on me now? It may be our apartment but I pay most of the rent. I know you don't like Chen very much but stop acting like a little baby."

"Baby?" He scoffs.

"Yeah, a baby. You look like one too." I joke.

He sighs harshly, "Okay, look I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I just get so jealous because he seems to be closer to you than me."

"Luhan, it's fine. Just control yourself whenever you see him okay? You never used to dislike him." I run my fingers through my hair.

"I'll try." He fakes a smile and leaves the room.

When he left, I saw something on his neck. Was that a hickey? Oh, em gee.

I exit his room a few seconds later and meet up with Lay and Chen who are putting on their shoes.

"Leaving?" I ask.

"Yes." Lay simply says.

"Yes, we're leaving. I have work to do." Chen tells me, standing up after he finishes up with his shoe.

"At least stay for breakfast." I insist.

"No, thank you, though." Chen walks towards the door.

"Thank you! We will be taking our leave now." Lay bows to me and meets up with Chen at the door. Chen simply smiles and waves goodbye before leaving with Lay.

"It's about time they leave." Luhan sighs with relief. I look at him and he flips some hair out his face like some emo kid. "You're something else," I tell him.

"I know." He grins before heading back to the kitchen where I assume he was before.

Ugh, Luhan.


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