;14 {smut}

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___'s POV

I watch Xiumin walk in and close the door. Yes! I knew he couldn't resist me. I walk over to him, tugging on his jacket, "I need this off."

He smirks at me and quickly takes the jacket off, dropping it to the floor. I then tug on his shirt, wanting it off too, and he throws off his shirt, giving me a good look at his abs.

"Yass...." I whisper, running my hand up and down his abs.

"You like?"

"I love..." I lick my lips and run towards my bedroom, making sure Xiumin follows and he does.

Xiumin catches up to me and grabs me, pinning me down on my bed. He quickly plants his lips on mine, kissing me gently yet needy-like.

I wrap my arms around his shoulders, pulling him down and he deepens the kiss. He pulls away, "You sure about this?"

"I'm 100% sure I want this." I grab the back of his neck and pull his head back down for another heated kiss, running my tongue against his.

As we kiss, I run my fingers through his hair and he slowly pulls up my shirt. I pull away from the kiss and finish the job for him, throwing my shirt across the room before reconnecting my lips back on his.

Xiumin's hands roam all over my body, doing squeezes in some areas. His hands continue to go down, resting on my thighs.

He detaches his lips from mine and starts placing soft kisses on my neck, occasionally biting and sucking on my skin, leaving love bites.

"Xiumin... ~" I moan with a giggle.

"Yes?" He starts trailing kisses from my neck, all the way down to my belly button.

"Ah...nothing, hehe.. ~" I tug on his hair slightly.

"If you say so~" He pulls down my pants, tugging it off my legs and throwing it God knows where. "Wow, you're already so wet." He runs a finger over my clothed, soaked, sex.

I shiver, "You did that... You're just so sexy...~"

"Thank you." He crawls back up to kiss me again, and I wrap my legs around his waist, moving my hips slightly to rub against him. I moan, "Ah, Xiumin~"

He holds my hips and starts to grind back, "___~" he moans my name lowly, making me blush furiously.

That was really sexy. No, like, just because of that, I get even wetter.

He continues to dry hump me, making me slip out little moans here and then.

God, I'm sick of the appetizers, I want the full meal now.

"Xiumin... ~!"

He stops and pulls off his belt and I help him take off his pants, "God, I want you..." He tells me, throwing his pants on the floor. I see his boner stick up exactly 90° straight through his boxers.

"I want you too~" I touch his clothed dick, making his breath hitch.

"Baby~" I watch him go down, sticking his head back between my thighs, slipping off my (f/c) panties with his teeth. "Xiumin?" God, I know what he's gonna do, and my body is just aching for him to continue.

Without him saying anything, he slips his tongue into my slit, making me gasp, "Ah!"

He continues, holding onto the back of thighs, making my legs rest over his nice sexy broad shoulders. His tongue goes deeper and it runs over my clit.

"Mmnn..~ Ah, Xiumin!" The grip I had before on his hair gets tighter as I grab a fistful of his hair into my palm.

His skilled tongue goes deeper into my clit, and he stops and sucks my left fold, making me buck my hips slightly, "Oh god~"

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