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Xiumin's POV, present morning

I start making breakfast for me and Luhan, and Luhan just sits on the barstool, waiting for me to finish like a puppy.

"What, you didn't eat at your girlfriend's place?" I ask him.

"No, when I woke up she was still asleep."

"Ah, I see."

It gets quiet.

"Sooooo, what did you and Chen do last night?" Luhan asks me, purposely leaving out Lay because he's unimportant to him.

"Ah, I invited Lay and Chen over and we just chatted."



"What kind of stuff?"

"Y'know, life."

Luhan rolls his eyes, "You guys were definitely talking about me, don't even lie."

"Well, you're right. But you're in the category life since you're in my life, therefore, I didn't lie to you."

"Shut up, smart ass." He pulls out his phone.

"Haha," I laugh.

"So what were you guys saying about me?" Luhan puts down his phone on the marble table and looks at me.

I turn off the stove, "Just you and your girlfriend." I say honestly.

"That's it? Chen didn't say anything rude or mean about me did he?"

"No, he didn't. Chen still thinks of you as a friend y'know, so stop acting like he's your enemy."


I share some food on a plate for Luhan and set it in front of him. "No, seriously, weren't you and him close once upon a time?"

"There was never no once upon a time." He picks up the chopsticks and starts eating.

I shrug, "If you say so." I go make myself some tea, "but anyway, did your girlfriend give you that hickey?"

He drops the chopstick and smacks his neck with his hand, remembering the love bite. "Oh, no, this isn't a hickey, this is a mosquito bite." He uncovers his neck and starts acting all calm and collected.

"Sure it is."  I pour tea into a small white cup.

"It is!" I watch a blush appear on his face as he stuffs his face with food.

"If it's just a mosquito bite, why are you blushing?"

"Hey, shut up will you?"

I chuckle, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I sip my tea without blowing on it and my tongue burns from the stinging heat, "Shit! Hot!" I put the cup down, fanning my tongue.

Luhan laughs with his mouth full of food, "Hahaha!" Soon, he chokes on the food and I start to laugh. This is so ridiculous.

I go over to him and pat his back as he starts to calm down. "Gah, that wasn't funny." He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.

"And me getting my tongue burnt by tea wasn't funny, yet you laughed."

"Only because it was funny!"

I shake my head, "Finish eating and get ready, we have to go to the studio to record music today."



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