
757 28 18

Xiumin's POV

Oh god, oh, my god. No, no. What the hell?? She's coming over here? Fuck, I better bounce. Where should I go?

Ah, the cafe.

I grab my jacket and slip on my shoes, quickly grabbing my keys.

There is no way... Just no way.

I exit the apartment and speed down the stairs, quickly getting to my car.

She is literally so evil. How can she say that when she has a boyfriend!

I start my car and back out the parking lot, driving away. I can't believe this shet.

Ugh, maybe some music will calm me down. I turn on the radio and listen to some nice hip-hop.

Ah, that's much better. I feel myself getting less tense thanks to the wonderful sound of music.

I finally get the cafe, parking my car and quickly getting out. Geez, this is my favorite little place to go. I should seriously work here,  but I think I love singing and music a tad bit more.

I enter the cafe, letting the smell of coffee smack my face. I smile, walking over to the counter to order something.


In the corner of my eye...

I see Luhan with some other girl.

I quickly turn my head to get a better look. From far away, I can totally see him flirting with her, and the girl is blushing like mad. The girl seems to be a few years older, but what is Luhan doing with her? Doesn't he like ___?

"Sir, that would be 8.60," I turn to the cashier and she's smiling at me. I smile back, giving her the money while I get my drink and snack.

Should I go over there?

No, no, I will talk to him at home.

I turn back to the cashier, "ma'am, may I have this to go...sorry, something came up." I smile weakly.

"Sure thing, cutie." She takes back my stuff.

I thank her and look back at Luhan and the girl. That's when I see it.

He kisses her.

Okay, what the hell is going on? Just the other day Luhan was gushing over ___,  now he's kissing another girl.

What a piece of shit.

I mean, he's had plenty of girlfriends before while I only had few, but does he always go behind the girl he's currently dating backs and do stuff like this?

I swear when we got home he said he was gonna nap, yet, he's here with some lady.

"Here you go, cutie." The cashier comes back with my food bagged and my drink in a to-go cup.

"Thank you so much, lovely." I thank her yet again and exit the cafe quickly before Luhan can even spot me.

When he gets home, I'm seriously gonna need to talk to him. I go back to my car but as I'm about to open my car, I see ___ walk up to me.

I freeze.

Fuck, she's beautiful.

But where did she come from?

"Hey, stranger~" she walks up to me and hugs me.

"___, how did you get here and how did you know I'd be here?"

"First I took an uber to your house, then I found out no one was home, then I figured, hmmmm, if I was Xiumin, where would I go? I immediately thought of the cafe where I met Luhan. I remember you saying you loved it here. So I took another uber here and look, here you are."

"So, now you're stalking me."

"Nooo ~"

"___, I'm serious. Behave yourself. You got a grown man running away from a female. Plus, Luhan is actually inside, he can leave any second and see us--" I stop talking when I remember Luhan is with that girl. And he kissed her too.

That girl also looked kind of familiar, isn't she the assistant of my boss?

"He's inside...? Then I guess I should go see him." She walks towards the door but I grab her arm, pulling her back, "It's best if you didn't..."


"He's with another girl, right now."

"A friend, right?"

"Maybe more than a friend because I saw him kiss her." I tell her the brutal truth.

"He what?"

"I mean, yeah, he did. I'm not gonna sugar coat it. He's cheating on you with one of our coworkers."

She looks down, "What an ass!"

"Yeah, I'm gonna have to chat with him when he gets home. But for now, you want me to take you home?"

She looks at me, "Yes." She gets in the car and I get in the driver's seat.


Getting to her home, I walk her up the steps and walk her all the way to her door. She turns to me, "Wanna come in?" She smiles flirtatiously and I resist the urge to devour her.

"I can't." I bite my lip.

"Yes, you can."

There she goes again...

"No, I can't. I really can't, I know where this leads to. I'm sorry, but I just can't."

"Don't you want me?" She playfully pouts.

"God knows I do...." I blush as I watch her open the door, "Then follow me, big boy." She steps inside luring me to come in with her finger.

Should I?

Does it even matter now? Luhan is with some other girl. How can he cheat on the most beautiful girl I ever laid my eyes on. I swear that boy is stupid.

I mean, I guess if he doesn't want her anymore, I could take her.

I take a deep breath and step inside, closing the door.



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