New Neighbor

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In Station Square, a family of three people was moving in to a two stories house. The father and mother were helping each other with moving furniture along with some workers from the moving van. The daughter of the couple was carrying her briefcase with her stuff. She had pink dyed hair and green eyes, red dress with white brims and matching boots.

(Amy's POV)

My name is Amy Rose and I am new in this town, we moved in because my parents thought our old place felt old. But now I suppose we start a new life here. The house was nice and it shows no signs of any damage on the outside. Like how my old house had a lot of pecks from those annoying woodpeckers. And I love the color of it too, it looks beautiful. Now I better find were my room is gonna be.

"Hey dad, can I see what the upstairs is like?" I asked my dad.

"Go ahead Amelia" My father said to me with a smile. I smiled back and head up to my new room. I opened the door to see my new room.

"Whoa, everything is so clean. Hey, it even has a bathroom too" I said in excitement. I didn't expect my room to have a bathroom. Back at my old house, only my parents had a bathroom close to their bedroom. Now I just need to think of where I can put my bed, the bookshelves, my desk, and everything in my new room.

Alright, now I need to get my furniture to my room. So I head downstairs to the moving van. But the only problem is that I needed help with lifting my bed and wardrobe.

"Mom, Dad. I need a hand here!" I called for them.

"Okay sweetie" My mother came up and began helping me lifting my bed.

"Sometimes I hope in the near future they invent an elevator for houses" I said, since moving heavy furniture upstairs can be very difficult.

"We'll see" My mother said, walking through the door with me carrying the bed with her.

"And I hope school is nice tomorrow. Meet new people, make new friends, and possibly find a boyfriend" I said, though I never had a boyfriend in my life. But I sure hope I'll meet a boy that is handsome, caring, and is not very...pervert-like.

"Don't worry. You'll find one soon" My father said. Soon we put the bed in my room next to the right wall, "Wow, you got your own bathroom too, Amy. Lucky girl" he said to me.

"Yeah Yeah. But now we'll get my wardrobe" I rolled my eyes and went back downstairs to get more of the furniture.

As soon we were done, I was looking through the window and sighs happily.

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(Sonic's POV)

I was in my room doing nothing as usual on Sundays; running on the treadmill because I love to run. But it wasn't the same as it was before during my break up with my ex-girlfriend Sierra. It was horrible. Last year at the Halloween dance party at high school I caught her making out with my rival Scourge. Sierra tried to make up an excuse but I already seen enough of what she did to toy with my heart. I broke up with her and told her 'we're through' but that was my biggest damn mistake I did. She revealed herself to be a witch; she gave me this werewolf curse. Every night when the sun goes down I transform into a werewolf. And now I have to keep it a secret from anyone or else they hunt me down like a threat. The only ones aware of it is my best friend Miles Prower, my mother, and my brother and sister.

Human SonAmy: Werewolf CurseWhere stories live. Discover now