New Member of Student Council

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(Sonic's POV)

"I don't believe those monster stories" I said to her with a chuckle.

"Me neither. But since you're a werewolf, you're no monster to me" Amy said to me with a smile.

"Thanks Amy" I said with a little smile. Whenever I smile it looks a little creepy when I have fangs. So I just did a little smile.

"Say, how fast are you as a werewolf?" she asked me.

"Very fast like a cheetah or more" I said.

"Wow, no wonder I had to catch my breath" Amy said.

"I know right. But my strength is enough for me to lift 5 tons" I said.

"Wow. Like Superman?" she asked me.

"No, no. Superman is stronger. Also I got good sense of smell and hearing" I said.

"Wow. Well Sonic, do you have problems eating as a werewolf?" Amy asked me.

"Sometimes. Because I eat meat. But whenever I try to have vegetables, my mouth rejects it. I guess wolves are carnivores. And no, I don't hunt like them" I explained to her.

"But I've heard wolves eat berries sometimes. Say do you swim like them?" Amy said and then guessed, I shook my head at the word swimming.

"Uh no. I hate being wet when it comes to swimming" I said, "I don't wanna say it but.....I can't swim" I sigh.

"Maybe I could help you with that. But I need a swimsuit for that" Amy said, holding my hand.

"I guess. But every time I try to swim without touching the bottom, I panic a lot that I'll drown. Which is why I don't know how to swim" I said with my pointed ears down.

"We'll figure something out. Come on Sonic, let's go for a walk so we can have a talk" Amy said. I got up with her. I turned off the power generator and we headed outside the treehouse to walk together in the forest. But I was a little worried if hunters would mistake me for Bigfoot. I put on my hood to cover my face. And the only problem I'm concerned about is how am I gonna hide my tail.

"Say, does touching silver things have an effect on you?" she asked me.

"Yeah, it does. Anything that is made of silver metal really hurts when I touch it. Like touching the heated ironing with your bare hand" I said.

"Yikes. But everything will be back to normal Sonic, I promise" Amy said to me.

"Not just that. I can get killed by silver bullets. It hasn't happened before but I know for sure it can. Just like those werewolf movies" I said. Sometimes I get confused between silver metal and stainless steel. They do look alike.

"Oh Sonic" Amy turned and hugged me in comfort. I carefully hugged her back.

"Thanks, I needed that" I said quietly. Then we both headed back to my house without anyone noticing us. We get to my backdoor where I unveil my hood.

"Thanks for taking me out tonight" Amy said to me.

I smiled a bit and said, "No worries Ames. I'll see you tomorrow at school. Oh, have you thought of becoming a new member of the Student Council?" I asked.

"Yes. I have been thinking of that. It would suit me well" Amy said smiling softly.

"You should try for tomorrow. I'm sure you'll be a great member of the Student Council" I said.

"Oh thanks Sonic. See you tomorrow" Amy said before leaving.

"Same here. Good night" I said and headed inside.

"Hey bro!" Manic appeared out of nowhere....again.

"Aaah!" I got a little jumpy but calmed down for a few seconds from having my heart beating too fast, "Manic, don't do that. You almost scared the hell out of me"

"My bad. How was the hangout?" Manic then asked me.

"It was okay. Amy seems to understand my condition even more. I don't know if she is the one for me" I was unsure what to say about Amy.

"Awww at last you start to have feelings for her, good" Manic smiled widely.

"Very funny, Manic" I rolled my eyes and went inside with him.


(Amy's POV)

The next morning was gonna be a great day for me to be a new member of the Student Council. I felt the fresh air blowing onto me while I headed to school. And I hope Silver becomes president of the council. I went in and saw many of the students getting into their classrooms to get in time. Now I saw Blaze running up to me.

"Amy! Amy! Are you excited to join the student council? I hope that Silver is elected" Blaze said.

"Yeah, really excited today" I said with a smile.

"Good. Well I got to get to class. See you later Amy" Blaze said before leaving me. I walked to the student council room.

(Silver's POV)

While waiting for Amy, I was in my train of thoughts. I was thinking about Blaze. Every time at school when I see her, I get nervous and shy to talk to her. She seems so pretty and cute when she looks at me, she's like a blazing fire, not literally. I must not stay nervous and shy at her. Oh, here comes Amy.

"Alright everybody, welcome our new member Amy Rose. Please give her applause" I said to the others in the school council. They all applauded to Amy, she didn't seem so nervous being here.

"Thank you. It's a pleasure to be here" Amy said and heads to where Sierra used to sit.

"Okay, everyone. Let's get started and tell Amy what we do for Student Council" I said to my friends, "I'm the President of Student Council" I said to Amy.

"Cool. Already?" Amy said.

"Yup. Nebula is the council's treasurer" I turned to Nebula.

"I have a good feeling about you Amy, I believe you are the right one to be here and to trust" Nebula said.

"Manic is the blogger" I then turned to Manic.

"Yup. You already know me as Sonic's brother. I look forward for you being in our projects. I got a good feeling about this year" Manic said.

"And Shadow is the Vice-President of the Student Council" I said and turned to Shadow.

"Yes. You are welcome here" Shadow shakes hands with Amy.

"Thank you Shadow. Now where am I placed in the council?" Amy asked us.

"Well you can be responsible to put up flyers, asking students or suggest raising in our funds" I said to her.

"Cool. That should be easy for me" she said with a smile.

"Yup. Okay, guys. Now that we have Amy as our new member, we'll discuss about what the school needs for tomorrow. Meeting adjourned" I said to them.

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