School Improvements

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(Amy's POV)

It was a beautiful morning. At least we're not gonna get heavy rain this week. Now I'm heading to the Student Council meeting to get things started. I went to the room and headed in to get to my chair, the others joined soon and Silver had a tie this time for this meeting.

"This meeting is now in session. During yesterday's meeting we needed ideas but unfortunately we didn't come up any good ideas. So, did anyone come up with anything?" Silver asked us.

"Well....what if we can talk to some students with something?" I said to Silver for a suggestion.

"Hmm....that could work. We walk around the school building and talk to students to find out what they need and want. Let's take a vote. All those in favor of surveying the students and allowing them to choose the projects the Council will implement, raise your hand" Silver said.

Me and my friends all raised our hands up at the same time.

"Wow, that's a lot of votes. Motion passed. Our objective is to roam the halls of the school, speaking to students to find out what they need and want, so we can improve their overall school experience" Silver said to us. I'll keep that in mind when I have classes to do and I'll talk to some classmates, "Now that's been decided. I expect to see a list of things for tomorrow meeting. I'll see you all tomorrow. Meeting adjourned" he said.

"Okay then" I got out of my seat and headed to the hallway. I saw Sonic walking to his locker and I decided to go to him, "Morning Sonic" I greeted him and he turns to me. But he didn't look happy.

"Morning Ames" He said with a sad look.

"Sonic I know that Sierra tried to get the statue of Dark Gaia and Light Gaia but Light Gaia or Chip is safe now" I said.

"But what if Sierra gets the dark one?" Sonic asked me in concern.

"Don't worry. Lah got it" I said.

"So what did you do in the school council?" he asked me.

"Well we discussed what we could do to help other students with choosing the projects the school council will implement" I said.

"Like what the school needs to improve to make things better for the students?" he asked.

"Exactly. What do you wanna improve?" I asked him.

He thought for a moment and then came up with an answer, "That's easy. The cafeteria needs new seating and the vending machines need to be repaired too"

"Good idea, Sonikku" I said and wrote it down on a notepad.

"Yup. So I can have chocolate when I need it" Sonic said.

(Nebula's POV)

Okay, my mission is to talk to some students about what the school needs. Perhaps I can ask Hex and Espio. I searched for them in school until I found them at the library. I took out my notepad and pencil and go up to them.

"Hi guys" I said to them.

"Hey Nebs. What's up?" Hex said.

"I have a question. What do you think should be improved at this school?" I asked Hex.

"Oh, that's easy. The first thing that needs to be done is repair the basketball scoreboard" she said.

"Yeah. I've been hearing others complaining about that thing a lot. One of these days it'll fall onto the cheerleading team" Espio said.

"Repair the scoreboard you say. Alright. Anything else?" I wrote it down and continued.

"Oh, that we need to fresh the hallway up when it might be a school dance going on" Espio said.

"Good point there, Espio" I wrote it down on the notepad, "Well, thanks guys. I'll see you around"

"See yah" Espio and Hex waved good bye to me. I then continued to see if I could ask someone about what needs to be improved. I decided not to ask Sierra, she's too mean.

(Sonic's POV)

Oh, man! I almost threw up from dissecting the frog in Biology class. I'm never doing that again! Anyways, I'm heading to Gym class. And right now I better hope there will be no trouble occurs again in the Boys' gym locker room. I go to my locker in the changing room and opened it.

"If you ever touch my girlfriend one more time, I'll kill your ass straight to hell!" Shadow growling at Scourge. This should be good. Scourge will definitely get scared by Shadow's pissed off mood.

Scourge then tries to say something when Shadow wraps his towel to whip him, "Shadow, don't even think about it" he said.

"What's the matter? Afraid I'll whip your ass?" Shadow chuckled evilly.

Scourge tried to get away when Shadow whip his towel at Scourge's butt, "OW! That hurts!"

"Good. Because maybe you won't sit on your ass for a week" Shadow chuckled.

"Screw you" Scourge gives him the middle finger and walks away.

"Good one Shadow" I said.

"The number one badass in school" Knuckles said.

"Indeed. I will teach every bully a lesson" Shadow leaned at his locker.

"Well we better get ready for class guys" I said.

"Yeah sure" Shadow said. The guys and I headed out from the changing room after getting dressed up in their training outfits.

"Welcome boys. Today we'll be playing basketball. Who is first to volunteer?" The coach asked the guys.

"I'll start" Shadow reached his hand up. This made the girls swoon over him except Nebula. I can hear her growling lowly.

"Okay then. Show us what you got" the coach hands him the basketball.

I've seen Nebula get really annoyed with popular mean girls wanting to steal Shadow from her. Maybe I can help her with that after class or later. Now I see Shadow running very fast and then he just like shoots himself from the floor by jumping at the basket hoop with the ball.

(Shadow's POV)

Right after I dunked the basketball in the hoop, I hear the popular mean girls squealing over me. I noticed Nebula cheering for me too but had her glaring eyes at the mean girls. I know she hates slutty girls that will try to steal me from her. I also hate slutty girls too. I get really annoyed with that but I don't have the guts to push them away when they're females, "Hmph"

But anyways I am not a sexist because of that, because it would be pervy. I passed the ball to Knuckles, it was his turn.

"Alright! INCOOOOMING!!!" Knuckles ran and jumps at the basket hoop and threw the ball into the net.

"Good shot, Knuckles!" I smirked.

"Thanks!" he said with a goofy smirk.

"Alright. I'll go next" I saw Nebula standing up, Knuckles tossed the ball to her and she caught it. She stands 10 meters away from the basket hoop and takes a deep breath. She then began running at a slow rate until she speeds up and jumps at the hoop.

"Yeah, you got this, Nebs!" I cheered for her.

She threw the ball there and when she got down, the ball spins around the ring hoop as it got slower and then it got into the net.

"Good job Nebula!" I cheered for her, she bows and goes up to me and my friends. But the mean girls just glared at us. I growled and glared back at them, making sure they don't try to harm my girlfriend.

"So Shadow, any plans after school?" Nebula asked me when she sat next to me.

"How about we practice karate moves at my place?" I said.

"Sounds good to me" Nebula said. Then it was time for us all to play basketball in different teams.

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