Seashell Bracelet

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(Amy's POV)

Never in my entire life have I ever seen this so beautiful. Fireflies glowing around the grass field like stars. It was so pretty. I continued to go around in circles with Sonic as the fireflies flew around us both.

"It's so beautiful, Sonic" I said cheerfully and giggling at the same time.

Sonic chuckled and extends his arms to make a whole swarm of fireflies appear from the grass, "Even more" he said to me.

"Awwww.... Sonic. You are so cute" I said. Sonic blushed at being called cute.

Then we decided to have a jog together in the meadow, I ran alongside Sonic who adjusted his speed to let me keep up with him. When we ran we always kept an eye on where we were running. Sonic was sometimes running on all fours but I just jogged on two. Pretty soon we stopped to catch our breath but it was fun to see Sonic running on all fours. We came to the lake and looked down to see our reflection in the water.

"Sonic, I really wish I could see your real you on the reflection, no offense" I said to him.

"I know. But you are beautiful as you are" Sonic said to me.

"Thanks" I smiled cutely at him, "Oh, here's something that I made for you" I held out a seashell bracelet and showed it to Sonic.

"Whoa, seashell bracelet?" he said.

"Yeah. This is a bracelet I made to protect you from the water" I said.

"Wow. And you made it for me?" he asked and I nodded.

"If you wear it, it will bring you good luck" I said.

He takes the bracelet and puts it on his left wrist. It fits his arm well, "Thanks Ames. I appreciate it" He said.

"Well I got my swimsuit with me if you wanna swim. It's okay if not" I said.

"Um....perhaps I'll wait when I'm human. I'm still working on getting over my aqua-phobia. But I also have a pool in my backyard" he said.

"Okay then. But I hope you like the bracelet" I said, leaning onto him. I then felt his hand placed on my shoulder as we looked at the moon together.

"I love the bracelet, Ames" he smiled at me.

I smiled back and looked at the moon. I decide to howl with him at the full moon. Even though I'm not a werewolf but I don't care. I wanted to enjoy the night with Sonic.

"ARRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" Sonic howled very loudly.

"AROOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!" I tried my best howl.

We both howled at the same time at the full moon. We then heard a distant wolf howl, miles away from us.

"Good one Ames. You almost howl like me" Sonic said.

"Thanks" I giggled. Soon we decide to head to the treehouse.

(Sonic's POV)

Now we two got inside of the treehouse, we got to the couch to take a break.

"Say, Sonic. I was thinking if you come to the Halloween party. I know you're gonna say 'no' but what if I dressed up as a werewolf just like you" she asked me.

"Then you need a makeover too on your face to make it look pink, I got blue skin. But anyway it sounds like a good idea Ames" I said.

"Okay. But we need to put some make up on your face so everyone will think you are human" Amy said.

"Yeah, and I need to control my tail from wagging" I said.

"Then we need someone who can help" Amy said reassuring.

"Rouge. She's very good with makeover" I said.

"Then let's do that when the day is Halloween" Amy said.

"Yeah. You're right" I nodded and thought of something, "Ames, tomorrow after school, do you think you can come to my house early to teach me how to swim?" I asked.

"Yeah sure Sonikku. I'll come over to teach you" Amy said and held her hand out, "Promise"

"Promise" I shake hands with her. This made me so happy it made my tail wag rapidly.

"Awww.... is your tail wagging?" Amy asked me cutely as she leans to see my tail wagging.

"Uh..... Yeah" I blushed.

"It's okay. I don't mind" Amy said.

I let out a sigh in relief, "Thanks" I replied.


A while later we head back to my house. It was fun to spend some time with her today.

"Well see you tomorrow Sonic" Amy said to me before leaving.

"Same here. Good night Ames" I said. Just as I was about to head inside, Amy gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night, Sonikku" she smiled and then walks across the street to her house.

I blushed when Amy gave me a small kiss on my cheek. I guess she has feelings for me. I smiled happily and went inside. I wish she kissed me on the lips to break the curse but I can't rush in to do that. Things take time when true love develops soon.

Then I saw Chip running up to me with his tail wagging happily, "Hi Sonic. How was the time with Amy?" Chip asked.

"It was okay" I said.

"Awwww... so cute. How was it like?" Chip asked me again.

"Well we ran across grass fields to let fireflies come out and fly out in swarms. It was beautiful" I said.

"Anything else?" Chip wanted to hear more.

"Then we spend time looking at the moon and howled together" I continued.

"Sounds like a date I must say" Chip said.

"Well... kinda" I shrugged.

"What's that you're wearing on your arm, bro?" Manic asked me.

"A seashell bracelet. Amy made it for me" I said, showing it to Manic. He took a closer look at the bracelet, "Well it's nicely done. I like it" Manic said.

"Aww...she made it for you, bro?" Sonia asked me.

"Yup. And I just got one more thing. She gave me a small kiss on my cheek. That means she's got feelings for me" I said smiling. But that made my sister squeal so loud I covered my ears.

"YES! One more step and the curse in you is gone!" Sonia cheered.

"Yeah, I know. But things take time, Sonia. We'll see what happens on Halloween" I said.

"All right. We'll see if it happens" Sonia said.

"Maybe. But now let's go to bed" I said, yawning.

"Time for me to brush your tail again" Sonia smirked at me. I groaned in annoyance and rolled my eyes. No arguing with her this time.

(Amy's POV)

I was having a short dinner with my parents. I can't help but sigh dreamily about Sonic. By the time we find out who the white witch is and kicks Sierra's ass for good, I might be able to kiss him on the lips to break the curse. Though I'm not sure if he has feelings for me.

"So Amy, how was it with Sonic this time?" Mom asked me.

I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at her, "Just fine, he showed me a beautiful field full of fireflies" I said.

"How was it like?" My Dad asked.

"Well the fireflies glowed as soon we touched the grass and swarms around us, it was like everywhere" I said.

"Wow, sounds like you had fun with him" he said.

"Yes it was. Well, I'm going to bed. Good night mom and dad" I said.

"Good night Amy" both of them said before I headed upstairs. I go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. After that I changed to my nightgown and went to bed. I was having thoughts about Sonic, if he has feelings for me, I might be the one breaking his curse.

Human SonAmy: Werewolf CurseWhere stories live. Discover now