She's more than just a fan...

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-Brendon's P.O.V-
"(Y/N),(Y/N)!" I tried to wake her up she wasn't moving. I pulled out my phone and tried to call 911 but I had a screen full of text messages from Sara.

Sara: Where r u?
Sara: Why haven't u called back Bren
Sara: I'm srry Bren the past is the past but I need to talk to u!

I didn't want to deal with her rn so I just ignored it and called 911. All of a sudden I heard sirens. I exhaled with very little relief. "What happened to her?" The man said while he was strapping her onto the gurney. "Her boss I think h-he abused her and t-then he slapped her making her knock out o-on the floor!" I struggled trying to get that out but I did leaving my face stained  with steamy tears. "Ok come back another time to visit her at the hospital." He said trying to calm me down. "No you don't understand I NEED to be with her during the ride!" I yelled a little bit at him. "I'm sorry sir but only family members can go on rides." He said with a straight face. "I'm her husband let me in." I said that and didn't regret what I was saying. "Why didn't you say so hop on." He chuckled a little bit. I went into the ambulance trying my best not to trip on an I.V. or something. I saw her beat up face and the bruises that was going up and down her legs. I felt tears run down my face. I quickly grabbed her hand and it made me feel better. As I grabbed her hands I saw here sleeve slowly rolling down her arm. I glanced at our intertwined hands and saw she had cuts...deep cuts down her wrist. I started to cry even more. We finally made it to the hospital. I wiped my tears and they rushed her into the emergency room. "Sir you"ll have to wait here." The nurse said then she speed walked to help the doctors. I sat down plopping myslef onto the chair. 'Why was she cutting herself' 'Is she really that depressed?' 'Did she even have anybody to talk to about that bastard boss of hers?' I thought all of this to myself and it made me zone out. I snapped out of it then I saw one of my old friends Spencer coming out of the door. "Hey I heard about what happened to that fan. I'm so sorry." He said while hugging me. "Spenc she's not a fan." I mumbled. "Sure she isn't man." He said chuckling and patting my back. "Spencer she's not a fan....she's more than that." I said that a little bit louder. "Ok, who is she then?" Spencer said with confusion on his face. "Her name is (Y/N) and she used to go to high school with me...she used to be the most popular girl in the school. And now...I think she's s-suicidal. I always wanted to date her but I didn't have the guts to go up to her and talk to her... I don't even know how she remembers me...she probably likes my music but she isn't just a fan Spencer." I said to him straight into his eyes. "Ok ok I believe you but, before you go on the date train again you need to clear up some stuff with Sara." "What is there to clear up. Ever since that day happened I didn't leave the house...shit I didn't even leave my bed except to grab the remote." I said trying my best not to be so loud about it. "Mr. Urie?" the nurse called out my name with a straight face so I can't really tell if (Y/N)'s dead or not......

(A/N: Hey people just want to let you know that if your getting the feels and cursing me out cause I left you at a cliff hanger...sorry not sorry.. More to come lol.)

I love the things you hate about yourself (Brendon Urie X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now